Count Veger is a villain from the Jax and Daxter series. This man is technically the "Judge Frollo" of video game villains
Other names for Veger: That F***er, Count Asshole, Count Vulgar, Count Dick, Count Douchebag, Count Vagina
Greatest strength: His knowledge on precursors and ancient beings
Greatest weakness: He loves to gloat (And paid for this after he killed Shining Armor through Bender brutally kicking his ass as well as X blasting him)
Voiced by: Phil LaMarr
Count Veger is responsible for a lot of bad things that happened to the title characters. After he was turned into an ostel he escaped and found a way back to his usual form. Count Veger escapes to another world ready to re-assume his evil plans. Count Veger learns about the Multi-Universe and its secrets. It's biggest secret, though, is that there is something that could alter the Multi-Universe like that. Veger, intrigued, goes searching for the item, believing it to be a different kind of precursors than Ostels.
Veger decides to use the law to advantage to arrest to what he considers vermin,evil and Eco users. He even kills those who stands in his way, which is everyone who isn't him. He is a righteous man who believes by his virtue he is justly proud. Highly religious, he does what he thinks is right through immoral and extreme methods.
The Grand Summer Season Trek[]
Count Veger joins VIlgax and his allegiance to get his goals done, He decides to arrest Bender and The B team seeing them as vermin and evil, also because Bender is associated to Daxter who is associated to Dark Eco by Jack. Veger runs a secret lab in the CIA where he takes this vermin and dissects, removes body parts and kills creatures so he can sell them to villains. He successfully steals 25% of the CIA's secrets with Trevalyn but he fails to use Bender and his friends in experiments and he loses the Sly Cooper group. Veger develops a partnership with Trevalyn and the two work together in their successful operations. Count Veger then creates a Dark Samus and uses it to abduct Sora. He then kidnaps and eventually kills Shining Armor. He then gloats about how he murdered Twilight`s real family to the little pony herself and then receives a very satisfying beat down courtesy of Bender.Veger later goes to the Egypt with Dark Samus. When Knuckles shows up, he tells him from the past what he did to his friends and family. Starting to get angry, Knuckles and Samus battles Both Veger and Dark Samus. Only Dark Samus is killed Knuckles let Veger live but he threatens him that if he ever kills or does something to his allies, he'll beat him to death. So Veger left Egypt and escaped from Knuckles. Veger's next cruel move was when Pete kidnapped Finn, Sari and Bubblegum. He mutated the latter into a yellow monster and sicced on Spike, Flame Princess and Ice King. Ice King managed to best him and then Marceline and Carmelita placed Count Veger under arrest on main charges
Count Veger escapes with the other and is invited by the Dystopia League to a get together, when they are betrayed and almost killed by Discord as he points how he is responsible for what happened to them. Veger joins forces with Sigma with the others and betrays Galvatron to serve him.
The Multi-Universal War of Destiny[]
Count Veger returns with Sigma and is ready to get revenge on Discord for Vilgax or himself. Veger leads an attack on the Destroy All Humans Universe and meets some of the members of The Membrane Elite and X. Count Veger then gives the report to his boss after returning
He was manipulated by Stane to find more Model Ws to bring Dr. Weil and once Weil returned in Legends of Light and Darkness, he had Nightmare Rarity turn him into a ostel and then banished to them the Netherlands.
Ultimate Story[]
Veger made his first (and most likely) only appearance in the US spinoff series, YinYangJak. He obviously alligned himself with the Night Master, thereby restoring his human form. However, regardless of his attempts to antagonize Jak and his new friends, Yin and Yang, he rarely succeeded. He's mainly involved with a running gag, which started Yin, Yang and Jak mentioning Veger being evil, with one of them mentioning that he's more evil than Carl, the Evil Cockroach Wizard. This set off Carl, with which he somehow heard them say that, thus causing him to lash out at Veger, with Yin, Yang and Jak just sitting by and enjoying the show. Jak even mentioned that he was starting to like Carl. Since then, during almost all of his appearances, one of the trio would mention the count being more evil than Carl, thereby summoning Carl to zap at him many times. Because of this, he dreads hearing them mention him being more evil than the cockroach wizard. Sometimes, the gag would end with Carl's mother calling him back.
Allies and enemies[]
Friends: Vilgax and his allegiance except Discord and Obidiah Stane, Sigma and his organization
Enemies: Jak, Daxter, Bender and the B Team, Cap Knuckles and the P Team, Discord, Obidiah Stane, the Dystopia League, the Membrane Elite, X