Copy X is a clone of Megaman X and he works for Dr.Weil and Discord. He is very prejudice against Reploids and Mavericks wanting to destroy them for the smallest things.
The Multiuniversal War of Destiny[]
He works with Dr.Weil and Discord in ambushing the heroes and helps them steal the rings and kill their enemies. He is also Sophita's murderer and this has Cassandra incensed at him. Scorpion and Cassandra both face him and managae to defeat him.
LOTM: Darkness Incarnate[]
Copy X's remains was founded by Cerberus agents to be fixed and brought into their services in a new body. The Illusive Man has no problems with this model as robots are the very future of humanity and their new successor. From this kind of attitude Copy X displays to all who dare harm humanity, The Illusive Man knew he had made the right choice based on his ruthless behavior to protecting them. He also becomes another right hand man for The Illusive Man who helps Copy X give the political power he needs to rule back over Neo Arcadia and move its army through the multi-universe to enslave all robots who rebel against their human creators or they will be executed by his command if they do not serve The Humanists. Non-humans will be given less of a chance of mercy than his fellow machine kin as they are well-deserving to no longer exist to cause anymore harm to humanity.