Ratonhnhaké:ton (pronounced as Ra-doon-ha-kay-doon), who later adopted the name Connor, (born 1756) was an American assassin and an ancestor of Desmond Miles. He lived in colonial America during the later half of the 18th century.
Assassin's Creed III - Connor and Haytham-0
Father and Son...
Connor is one of the most skilled and dangerous assassins in the history of Multi-Universe.
Best friends: Ezio, Bender, Jack Bauer, Skipper
Worst Enemies: Haytham Kenway, Charles Lee and Anarky
Allies: Ezio, Bender, the B Team, Slade's ensemble, the Multi-Universal Resistance, the Striker Force, the Miracle Elite, the Alpha Team, the Star Alliance
Enemies: Charles Lee, Haytham Kenway, White Star, Rodrigo Borgia, Templar Orders, BlackGarurumon, Mister Sinister, Jesse, GBF, Jesse's cult, the S.E.V.O.S.E.C.T Squad, Loki, Albert Wesker, Gul Dukat, Peter Pan
The P Team Storyline[]

Connor as a child
Connor debuts as one of the main four heroes and he will join the B Team against his father, Haytham Kenway and the Templar Orders.
LOTM: Next Generation Island Tour[]
Connor returns joining Bender and his team against BlackGarurumon and Mister Sinister. Since Bender helped Connor against his father, Connor helps Bender against BlackGarurumon and Mister Sinister starting in Act 4. Connor and Kirrahe join up with Kid and Makoto who both seek out to save the bodies of Liz and Patty though Connor also is trying to keep an eye on Bender's kid who wanted to come along. The four and Stardash make their way through the graves to find possible direction though they have none though Stardash finds sparky dirt for her plan, Connor makes a suggestion to search open graves since they are rather present and he also seems to have a belief that Dr.Strange taught Liz and Patty voodoo magic to transfer their souls to the guns. Connor takes notice to a pirate ship where most people lost their lives and believes that the bodies are there despite the lack of evidence. Connor and the crew see someone trying to steal the bodies which, he and the team go after. Connor and the group track them down and get the bodies back trying to find the perfect reverse exorcist spell which they do and then Connor makes their move known as they scheme to take down Sinister and Jesse when the chance is good. Twilight, Kid, Buffy, Yasha, Zhuge, Jaeris and Connor tag with Bender and Strange and give them a way open to get Mister Sinister while they save Anna and end up dealing with Cora who tries to kill Anna
Connor tags with the rest of the B Team to investigate though the Children of BlackGarurumon decide to lock them in the pyramids forever as they are higher up on the threat than Blue. They end up meeting the zombie teens and join forces with them to find the Azoth and the Lucifricator as the voice Jean Grey is hearing tells them they need to find it. Bender and the others find the Aztec where Bender, Skipper, Phineas and Isabella decide to go do it though Heloise wants to come along and they allow Suede, Jack Heloise and Kid help. They find Sari who reveals that she never had intentions to kill them and wants to stop them from stopping them. They though get thrown even further into the pyramids by Albert Wesker who stills need them for his and Loki's plan. Connor in the deeper parts of the pyramids see something lines of a different language detailing to past events which gets them in trouble with their enemy before they go after Dukat. Connor checks in the hopsital with the others regarding Belle while figuring out their next move together. Jack interrogates Buford and nearly kills him if it wasn't Bender, Skipper, Suede, Jesse, and Knuckles stopping this. Everyone joins up and destroys the Internment camp, burning it to the ground with "Another Brick in the Wall" while killing any army remaining. Connor joins up with Bender and Skipper to stop the invasion by The Neo Umbrella Corps which they succeed in doing so.
Bender, Skipper, Heloise, Phineas, Isabella, Suede, Jack Bauer, Makoto, Gohan, Sora, Connor, Twilight Discord, Dixie, Bart, Gonner, Stardash and Colonel Star and Stripes all go wondering in their cavern. With a ocarina in hands which they need to use to open their door and find out the chosen one regarding the niburu which Isabella plays to the tune of the Lugia Song. Connor assists in fighting the Children of BlackGarurumon and works with Heloise to attack and kill Hans Gruber and Noah Cross.
They both met in Blackpool, Bender helps Connor against his father, Haytham Kenway and his Templar Orders in the war. Connor sees Bender as his step father and a new best friend to him.
The Star Alliance[]
Haytham Kenway[]
Connor's father and one of his archenemies. When they first meet each other, Haytham instead of killing Connor, they join forces against Benjamin Church. After killing Church, Connor and Haytham are now against each other. In Blackpool, Connor tells Bender about his father's actions. Bender will join both Connor and Tsubaki against Haytham Kenway in the final battle.
Charles Lee[]
Out of all the Templar Orders, Charles Lee is Connor's hated and wanted to kill archenemy. Charles Lee was the cause of Connor's misery. Connor wanted revenge and kill Lee for all the crossing the lines he did.