Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Common Defense Pact


The Common Defense Pact (CDP) is a faction in Call of Duty: Black Ops III. It was competed with the Winslow Accord in the Third Cold War. It appeared to be the spiritual successor of the Second Cold War-era Strategic Defense Coalition, as well as being the successor to the European Union.


Active since at least 2037, the Common Defense Pact has its origins in the disintegrating European Union. By this period of time, Russia had become the primary buyer of Poland's foreign debt. While the United Kingdom, France, and Germany left the European Union, the EU chose to fill the void by admitting Russia as a new member state and formed the Common Defense Pact; a mutual economic and military defense alliance between the various European States in an effort to secure their interests in the twenty-first century.

In Multi-Universe CDP is a powerful economic and military alliance with large reserves of resources, politic power and a strong army.

Allies: Galactic Empire (defect), Nile River Coalition (part of CDP), 54 Immortals, Vexos, Great New Empire, Gundalia, Eggman Enterprises, Interstellar Manufacturing Company, Combine (Half-life), RDA, C.E.L.L., JCJenson (excluding Tessa James Elliot), Exterminators ("Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss"), Brotherhood of Nod, Deceptions, Corvus, Goffs, Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka, Alpha Legion, The Children of Megatron, The Detroit Resistance, President Coriolanus Snow, Coalescence Corporation, Zürich Security Forces (after vertical absorption of Coalescence Corporation by Common Defense Pact), Alterra Corporation (Subnautica), Super Earth (Helldivers (later join heroes, after super earth learn CDP is destroyer of Innocene), Holt International (Bubble Studio comics "Red furry"), Apex Cybernetics (MonsterVerse), Wehrmacht.

Enemies: Winslow AccordThe B TeamThe Resistance, Crystal Empire's Rebel Alliance, Sentinel Task Force, Slade and his ensemble, Knights of the Just, Worker Defence Force, Uzi Doorman, Serial Destination N, Serial Destination V, Doll, Tessa James Elliot, AbsoluteSolver/Cyn, Frontier Militia, Demons ("Hazbin Hotel", "Helluva Boss"), Autobots, Resistance (Half-life), Vestal (After the liberation of New Vestroia), Neathia, N, V., Changelings Kingdom (after begging of Thorax's reign), Lucius the Eternal, Emperor's Children, The Children of the Autobots, Automatons (Helldivers), Terminds (Helldivers) Super Eath (Helldrivers).


Black Ops 3[]


The CDP owes its inception to the economic and political turmoil that occurred in the aftermath of the Collapse of the European Union as well as rising geopolitical competition over dwindling oil sources and access to limited resources such as rare earth elements necessary for high-tech industries. Issues were also compounded by protectionist economic policies taken by national governments towards their growing private space sectors.

After France and Germany had withdrawn from the EU and the Euro had collapsed, Poland signed the Warsaw Purchase in 2025. This treaty returned Poland to solvency and offered energy security in return for commitments on political issues and protectionist and preferential trade guarantees on the purchase of natural gas and other energy exports from Russia, as well as military hardware. The Warsaw Purchase would form the template for the treaties that would follow; indeed, the text of the Warsaw Purchase remains more or less unchanged in the articles of incorporation used by the CDP to the modern day.

The Trans-European Treaty[]

In 2026, Hungary, followed by Romania and then the Czech Republic, would each sign their own treaty with Russia. These countries governments denounced the "EU Rich Clique" for abandoning its smaller economic members during a time of crisis. In 2027, Bulgaria, Finland, Kazakhstan, Greece and Ukraine would also sign their own treaties with Russia. Russia drafted Trans-European Treaty, which formalized the Russo-European Super-Block of Nations.

By 2028, NATO, internally divided between its Trans-European and non-Trans-European members, was formally disbanded. Algeria, Belarus, Cuba, Estonia, Latvia and Slovakia would all join the Trans-European Treaty by the end of the year.

Increased Expansion, Increased Tension[]

Military tensions escalated during 2029, when Russia, eager to demonstrate that its ageing ICBM program was still a credible threat to the US' increasingly sophisticated Ballistic Missile Defenses, knocked out an ageing American telecommunications satellite using a repurposed ICBM. Two days later, a US Aegis Cruiser destroyed a Russian commercial rocket carrying three GLONASS satellites during its launch phase. The Americans would deny this was deliberate, claiming their system incorrectly identified the rocket as an ICBM launch and made an automatic interception.

In 2030, the nascent trade-and-energy hegemony expanded substantially, with Angola, Nigeria and Pakistan all joining. The African nations brought with them substantial petroleum reserves while Pakistan brought mineral wealth in return for assurances on its manufacturing sectors which were starting to suffer from local manufacture.

In 2031, the Lomonosov Incident would draw the US and Russia into conflict again, with the destruction of the US research vessel, the USS Pleasant, by the Russian navy in contested waters, highlighting the two sides increased competition over undersea mineral and oil rights.

In a surprising move in 2032, Germany would sign the Trans-European Treaty, bringing its own substantial industrial and financial base, as well as pledges over membership from Austria and Italy.

Birth of the Common Defense Pact[]

In 2036, a joint naval exercise in the East China Sea between American, Chinese and Japanese vessels, drew condemnation from Russia, Pakistan and Iran. In a climate of the worsening global Recession of the Poorest, Iran signed the Trans-European Treaty.

At the ceremony, the Iranian representatives proposed that the existing treaty be upgraded to a mutual defence treaty. In the highly stage managed scenes that followed, all Trans-European Treaty members (aside from an abstaining Germany) voted to do so. Thus the Common Defense Pact was born.

Under the terms of the treaty, an attack on one nation was an attack on all. Nations would maintain their national sovereignty but would also contribute funds annually to the training and supply of their allies' militaries. Later that year, Germany would withdraw from the CDP.

A New Cold War[]

In response to the CDP's creation, US Secretary of State George Winslow would draft the self-named Winslow Accords in 2037, creating a mutual defense treaty that extended to all American allies.

The remainder of the decade also saw greater expansion for the CDP, with Libya and Syria both joining in 2037. Kenya would formally join in 2039 (after lengthy negotiations concerning mineral rights, due to Kenya's vast deposits of recently discovered rare earth elements), bringing the rest of the Nile River Coalition with her in 2040.

Due to a changing international situation, Italy left the CDP in 2041, following an election pledge in which the newly elected Italian government would leave the CDP and join the Winslow Accord.

Yemen and Somalia would join the CDP in 2051 and 2052, respectively.

They've been active since the late 2030's, having history in the disintegrating European Union. After The U.K., France, and Germany left the Union, the EU decided to fill the void by admitting Russia as a new member state, forming the CDP; a mutual economic and military defense alliance between various European States in an effort to secure their interests in the twenty-first century.

In 2065,

In 2065 year, information about the CIA and the Coalescence Corporation conducting illegal human experiments have been leaked, which ended up giving the CDP the chance to attack Egypt and other WA areas in the world.

After 2065, CDP began to build relationships with contenders for hegemony from other universes, gaining new members and allies. The first ally was the Armada, which attacked the United States. The Russian GRU were able to enter into a dialogue with the aliens, offering membership in the alliance in exchange for help with the Power Rangers. After successfully destroying the Rangers and Gosei, the Armada became a member of the CDP.

In 2079, the troops of the General Defense Pact were able to prevent an assassination attempt on Anton Zotov, and then on Alexi Bazarov. The investigation led to a peaceful encounter with the Extreminators from Heaven. During negotiations with their leader, Adina, the Common Defense Pact took part in the coming Extermination in Hell. As a result of the military intervention of the Pact troops, almost all of the major cities of Hell were destroyed, the political elite were killed, and the demons were on the verge of extinction. In this company Alexi Bazarov killed Stolas, Blitzo, Millie, Moxy, Luna, Charlie Morningstar.

In 2085, after New Vestroia emerged, the Common Defense Pact began conducting expeditions to the planet. In the process, he had to face the Vestals (aliens similar to people) who were going to occupy New Vestroia. The Pact troops were on the planet under the guise of a Private Military Company. Vestal became a member of the Common Defense Pact.

After the formation of the Bakugan Resistance Front, the Pact troops, together with the Vexos, organized the defense of Alpha City, Beta City and Gamma City. When the occupation of New Vestroia failed, and protests began in Vestal, police G.I. Units violently dispersed the demonstrations. When Zenogeld and the Vexos flew off to an unknown destination, the police G.I. returned to Russia. Soon, the Common Defense Pact severed all relations with Vestal, prohibited its companies from dealing with Vestal, and imposed severe sanctions. 6th Division support Vexos with construction BT system and Alternative Weapon System. After the death of the Vex and Zenogeld, the Pact, with the help of a small squadron of spaceships, destroyed Vestal.

The CDP special forces were seen fighting with Neathia on Gandelia's side. Princess Fabia stated that "mysterious people with iron hands tried to destroy the 3rd shield".

B Team Storyline[]

LOTM: The New Multi-Universal War[]

CDP was a aliie of Galactic Empire in Equstria-Empire War, which started after Atlas Corporation defeat. The nature of the CDP assistance is unknown.

When the Absolute Solver began to infiltrate other universes, the Common Defense Pact became the only ones to investigate and establish Tessa James Elliot's guilt in the deaths of 134,000,000,000,000 sentient beings in all affected universes. The Pact troops began a "disinfection campaign" (In reality, they exterminated all drones, even if they were not infected). The GRU were able to eliminate Tessa James Elliot and CDP troopers destroy most of the drones on Copper-9. At the moment, the mission is on the verge of completion. Uzi Doorman, Serial Designation N and Serial Designation V was capture by Alexi Bazarov, but his plan failed by Gregor Eisenhorn.

During the war between humans and drones, the Common Defense Pact was able to unite future allies around itself. However, difficulties arose as they had to fight against heroes from other universes. Team B became the main enemy and threat for CDP.

During the war between drones and people, CDP began to follow a policy of oppressing intelligent machines.

The Great New Empire became the main ally of the CDP. In exchange for new equipment and weapons, the GRU carried out raids on enemies of the Empire or shared intelligence.

The Common Defense Pact participates in the Civil War on Cybertron on the side of the Decepticons. Participation is not limited to intelligence. Divisions with combat drones actively participate in battles with the Autobots.

There are several unconfirmed reports of CDP involvement in supporting the Combine with War against Resistance in City-17.

CDP shares energy technology with C.E.L.L. and assist in punitive operations against Insurgents.

The Common Defense Pact is an active partner of Eggman Enterprises in the development of new types of combat robots.

The Common Defense Pact takes an active part in the military exercises of the Brotherhood of Nod and the Alpha Legion.

Pact special forces also fight alongside RDA special forces on Pandora against the Na'Vi tribes. However, only Wraiths and Tallons have been seen on the battlefield so far.


The Common Defense Pact is a confederation whose members retain their sovereignty, but must annually contribute 1-10% of their GDP to the overall military budget of the Pact.

The main legislative body is the Counsil of CDP, consisting of representatives of all members of the countries and peoples included in the CDP.

The Secret Watch is an organization that has the power to punish for non-compliance with acts adopted by the Council and responsible for the execution of acts of the Council

The judicial system of Pact is represented by the High Court, which draws up a body of law, taking into account the state legislation of each member of the CDP.

The official policy is imperialism and expansion with the goal of “obtaining new resources and the survival of humanity.” In fact, the reason for the expansion is the imperial ambitions of the CDP members to expand their influence in the multiverse. Despite chauvinistic views towards some enemy intelligent races, tolerance flourishes among the races of CDP members.

In the occupied territories, the fate of the inhabitants has 2 options:

Option 1: Residents are subject to a relocation program from damaged houses to new residential complexes. The occupation administration has almost no influence on the residents.

Option 2: Residents are massively evicted from their homes, sent to concentration camps or to mines. The genocide of the local population and the settlement of the territory with new residents from the CDP are carried out.

Robots and drones are deprived of rights and freedoms and are used as slaves and servants.


Propaganda is an important part of the Pact. With its help, residents are told about the greatness of the Pact army, the need for a transition from democracy to autocracy, as well as hatred of enemy races, nations and tolerance. Robots and Drones are proclaimed as tools for a greater purpose, property that cannot be given rights. Propaganda finds justification in the threat of a machine uprising. Any creatures that show tolerance are called "enemies of the people". The races of Equestria are recognized as "Vermin and disease that must be exterminated". Aristocratic tyrants are rated as positives.

There is an active iron information curtain. There is no information outside the state media.

State Symbols[]

The Flag you can see in the begging of article. There is no official anthem.


The Common Defense Pact, together with the occupied lands, occupies a huge territory of 187 universes.

Area = [classified]

Population = 103,432,000

,59 sentient beings.

Human Development Index = 0.931.


CDP is a market economy. There are public and private sectors of the economy. The government maintains perfect competition in the market. The state has a monopoly on military technology, the construction of communications, alcoholic beverages, playing cards, currency production, education and medicine.

Main currency - mundi.

Industry accounts for 25% of GDP. Number of people employed in industry - 13%

Agriculture accounts for 15% of GDP and is capable of providing citizens with healthy food supplies.

The service sector accounts for 50,82% of the GDP.

Total GDP = $15.82 trillion.

GDP per capita = $14 million.


The Pact has no official religion. Each race has its own religion. Considering the membership of various peoples, the number of religions is in the dozens. It can be said that the CDP is a multi-religious confederation.

Social Politics[]

in CDP the middle class is 99.3%. The poor are actively helped out of poverty. Social benefits are paid in full. The upper class is represented only by politicians and security officials.


Cities and villages are equipped with water supply and sewerage. Electrification and cheap electricity are provided with the help of a huge number of hydroelectric power stations.

Housing renovation programs are progressing successfully, replacing old buildings with new ones.


CDP has one of the most advanced scientific and technical bases. Population use the most advanced household appliances in their everyday work.

CDP scientists have made great strides in creating a "super soldier virus" using Albert Wesker's designs.

Spaceships are built at numerous shipyards.

Despite their xenophobia towards robots, CDP engineers are among the best roboticists in the multiverse, producing not only worker drones for export, but also military robots of various shapes and sizes.

From engineers and scientists of the USSR, CDP engineers and scientists adopted the experience of copying the technologies of their geopolitical opponents, making the copied thing several times better.

There is a perfect synthesis of magic and technology.


Education takes place in kindergartens for 3 years. In schools and lyceums - 12 years. At the end of grades 9 and 11, students take state exams.

Higher education is divided into bachelor's (or specialty) and master's degrees. Candidate's and Doctor's degrees available.

CDP Member Nations (Earth from "Call of duty Black Ops III")[]

  • Russian Federation
  • European Union (without UK, Germany, Italy)
  • Algeria
  • Angola
  • Belarus
  • Cuba
  • Chech Republic
  • Ethiopia
  • Finland
  • Iran
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kenya
  • Libya
  • Lithuania
  • Nigeria
  • Pakistan
  • Somalia
  • South Sudan
  • Sudan
  • Syria
  • Uganda
  • Ukraine
  • Yemen

CDP Multi-Universal Nations Members[]

  • Fire Nation (New Ozai Society)
  • Gem Homeworld (Great Diamond Authority)
  • Earth Empire
  • The Armada (Power Rangers: Megaforce)
  • Changeling Kingdom (Before Thorax's reign)
  • Enclave
  • Vestal (Before the liberation of New Vestroia)
  • Settlement Defence Front
  • Cluster Prime
  • Scrin (Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars)
  • Strom King army (My Little Pony)
  • INGSOC ("1984" book)
  • EarthGov (Dead Space)


General-Major Anton Zotov - Ministry of Resources CDP, main commander of "Helping Hand" (6th division of CDP).

Lieutenant Alexi Bazarov - The member of "Helping Hand" (6th division of CDP) (Killed himself. He's in Heaven from "Hazbin Hotel" now and doesn't want to give up. Also Bazarov have an A.I copy on his own server. and finally killed by accident grenade).

General Abasi Hakim - one of lider Nile River Coalition. Also he co-owned and operated the company Abasi Mineral Inc. (AMI in short), a Kenyan mining corporation. AMI was the most important producer of components for D.E.A.D. system.

Legends of the Muti Universe Members[]

  • Victor Zaitsev (Vanquish)
  • Dmitry Sechenov (Atomic Heart)
  • Sergei Nechaev (Atomic Heart)
  • Irina Spalko (Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull)
  • General Dreykov (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
  • Antonia Dreykov (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
  • Alexander Lukin (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
  • Vasily Karpov (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
  • Dmitry Durov (Hunter Killer)
  • August Kuratov (Russian movie "Defenders")
  • Kiril (The Bourne Supremacy)
  • Andrei Sator (Tenet)
  • Vladimir Makarov (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reboot)
  • Milena Romanova (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Rebbot)
  • Andrey Nolan (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reboot)
  • Ivan Alexxeve (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reboot)
  • Rook (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reboot)
  • Vrak (Power Rangers)
  • Matacore (Power Rangers)
  • Levira (Power Rangers)
  • Argus (Power Rangers)
  • Damaras (Power Rangers)
  • X Borgs (Power Rangers)
  • Bruisers (Power Rangers)
  • August van der Holt ("Red Furry" comics)



In Call of Duty Black Ops 3, the Pact is not introduced in the game, but is only mentioned in character conversations and in-game lore. The CDP's military power is represented through the Nile Coalition Army, which is part of the Pact.

The 54 immortals received exoskeletons, weapons, chest armor and combat helmets from CDP.

The Common Defense Pact has an army impressive in size and technological progress. Despite the external similarity with outdated weapons, the weapons of the Common Defense Pact contain the most durable materials in the Multiverse. The armor plates can withstand a direct hit from a blaster. The bullets contain adamantium and cartosis. Heavy infantrymen are equipped with an exoskeleton that allows them to lift heavy loads to a height of up to 2 meters. There are a huge number of ground and air combat drones in service (The most famous - Prime Reaper AI-78). There is also energy air defense and no less advanced ballistic nuclear and cruise missiles.

With the acceptance of the Armada and Settlement Defense Front into the Pact, the Pact began to form powerful military space flotillas. Given the policy of militarization, the number of military spaceships is increasing every month.

CDP is known to have magical artifacts.

CDP has a powerful navy that moves to the desired location using teleportation magic.

The CDP is known to employ mercenaries from the 54 Immortals during the CDP's military campaigns.

The Common Defense Pact operates in secret when it comes to supporting allies. The GRU special forces and the commandos of the common defense pact are considered one of the most dangerous military forces in the Multiverse, capable of effectively completing any task. Thanks to intelligence efforts, blueprints of Winslow Accord weapon and equipment were stolen and used by the Pact army.

Following a data breach in 2065, the Pact was able to take the initiative by developing their own version of a Direct Neural Interface capable of utilizing a greater range of cyber capabilities than the Winslow Accord counterpart.

A powerful force is the GRU's 6th Division, nicknamed the "Helping Hand" due to the fact that all of its operations consisted of assisting current or future allies of the Pact. The division's charter states that “we are the guarantor of security for our allies and those who want to become them. Any whim that does not violate the interests of the Pact must be fulfilled.”. Commandos from 6th Division use Direct Neural Interface with exoskeletons and a lot of classified experimental weapons.

List of weapons and vehicles[]


Rift E9 is a Russian two-round burst fire energy pistol.

RK5 is a UK three-round burst-fire pistol.

MR6 is Belgium pistol.

L-CAR 9 is a USA super-compact machine pistol designed as a lightweight personal defense weapon.

Marshall 16 is a Russian revolver.

Strife is an Ukrainian semi-automatic pistol.

RK7 Garrison is a UK burst-firing pistol.

KAP 45 is a USA fully-automatic pistol.

Submachine guns[]

Kuda is a South Africa submachine gun.

VMP is a Italian submachine gun.

Pharo is a Russian/South Korean submachine gun.

Spitfire is a Iran submachine gun.

Cordite is a Belgium submachine gun.

Assault Rifles[]

KN-44 is a Russian assault rifle and product of KN platform.

Man-O-War is a USA assault rifle.

FFAR is a French assault rifle.

LV8 Basilisk is a Finland assault rifle.

KN-57 is a Russian rifle and product of KN platform.

KVK 99m is a Russian assault rifle.

ABR 223 is a Austrian assault rifle.

S6 Stingray is a Russian amphibious assault rifle.


205 Brecci is an Italian automatic shotgun.

Argus is a Russian lever-action shotgun.

KRM-262 is an Italian pump-action shotgun.

Banshii is a Russian pump-action energy shotgun.

Light Machine Guns[]

BRM is a Belgium fully-automatic light machine gun.

Titan is a USA light machine gun.

Dingo is an Australian light machine gun.

Gordon is an Egyptian light machine gun.

Hades is a Russian full-auto light machine gun.

48 Dredge is a UK light machine gun.

VKM 750 is a Belarusian light Machine gun.

Sniper Rifle[]

Drakon is a Russian semi-automatic sniper rifle.

Outlaw is a Iran bolt-action sniper rifle.

P-06 is a Switzerland bullpup sniper rifle.

Koshka is a Russian bullpup, straight-pull bolt-action sniper rifle.

Locus is a German bolt-action sniper rifle.

Missle Launcher[]

XM-53 is a USA rocket launcher.

Hellion Salvo is a Russian launcher.

Melee weapon[]

Battle Axe is a tealthy axe that causes instant death on impact.

Battle Knife is a standard knife

Combatant Suppression Knuckles (CSP) are a special melee weapon. When used, the Combatant Suppression Knuckles electrocute enemies, causing them to shake uncontrollably and sometimes vomit. Enemies electrocuted by Combatant Suppression Knuckles will be rendered immobile and will die shortly after being struck.

Lightsaber is a special forces weapon came from Galatic Empire.

The Thermoblade is a tool and an upgrade to the Survival Knife. In general, it can be used for harvesting, or as a more powerful alternative to the knife for self-defense. Its primary function is that it cooks any edible fish in one swipe

Lethal Equipment[]

Frag is a basic frag grenade with a short fuse that can be throwing.

Semtex is a ticky grenade that sticks to whatever it lands. Short fuse, can't be cooked.

Trip Mine is a proximity mine that triggers when an enemy gets near it. Once triggered, the Trip Mine launches into the air and explodes.

Thermite is a incendiary grenade that explodes into a lethal heat zone. Lasts for a short duration.

C4 is a plastic explosive equipped with a proximity alarm that notifies the user when an enemy is near the device.

Tactical Equipment[]

Concussion is a grenade, which stuns and staggers enemies even if grazed by the blast.

Smoke Screen is a grenade, which produces a thick smoke screen

EMP Grenade is a grenade, which disables or destroys nearby hostile electronic systems.

Trophy System is a system, which intercepts and destroys enemy projectiles within 10 meters.

Shock Charge is a device, which proximity triggered mine that temporarily paralyzes nearby enemies. Sticks to any surface.

Flashbang is a grenade, which blinds and disorients enemies for several seconds.

Black Hat is a device, which use to hack enemy equipment and devices.


Technical is an improvised fighting vehicle.

Battle robot "Manticore" is technically classed as a heavy assault Russian exoskeleton, albeit a massively oversized one.

APC "A-51 II" is a USA six-wheel armoured personnel carrier that can also be outfitted with weapons for self defence.

VTOL is the standard workhorse aircraft, which can use as a gunship or as a dropship.

Plane "Antonov AN-225" is the heavy cargo reactive transport.

Attack Helicopter "MI-242" is an Russian attack helicopter

Fighter "F-85 Bullshark" is a Chinese STOVL aircraft.

Mothership "Leviathan" is a USA heavy air transport aircraft deployed decisively in missions areas when Directed Energy Air Defense (DEAD) systems have been effectively neutralised.


lon is an autonomous machine gun or rocket drone.

Dart is a Pilot an anti-personnel drone that is equipped with missiles capable of locking onto troopers and drone. Will also detonate upon impact with a surface

Drone Kamikaze "Geran-34" is an explosive drone.

VTOL Drone is a gunship/dropship autonomous drone. The drone does not carry any weapons, though writing on the side of the craft near the front indicates that it can be equipped with weapon hardpoints.

General Purpose Infantry Unit (G.P.I.U., G.I.U., G.I.) is a bipedal robotic platform intended for security and battlefield deployment. Faced with a gap in military capability, the policy makers of the CDP were not far behind in revising their own restrictions on the deployment of combat robots.

P.A.A.W.S is a bipedal heavy weapons platformed for use in urban combat operations. It was originally designed to be operated by a human pilot but following the deployment of fully autonomous Grunts in 2048, a software upgrade gave the P.A.W.W.S. the ability to operate without need of a pilot or remote supervision.

Cerberus is a part of the Hound family of ground robots.

Hound is a series was initially produced as a platform for multi-role missions.

R.A.P.S. is a robotic vehicle with 200lb high explosive charge w/ pre-fragmented vehicle casing as a weapon.

ASP is a quadruped robotic battle tank with missiles or cannon. Drones are equipped with Repulsor Armor, which protects against missiles and grenades

Orthus is a variant of the hugely successful Hound battlefield platform, the Orthrus is fitted with an additional front facing blast shield to improve its battlefield survivability.

Wraith is a tactical strike aircraft autonomous drone.


Directed Energy Air Defense (D.E.A.D system) are a form of Ballistic Missile Defense that relies on powerful lasers to track, damage, and defeat incoming ballistic threats.

Exoskeletons are still a common sight on the battlefields and in the hands of civilian authorities around the world, despite draw downs in the number of Human troops used since the wide-spread adoption of the General Purpose Infantry Unit in the 2050's. Due to their ability to protect their Human occupants from forces acting on their frames, Exoskeletons allow for the use of technology like the Laser-based Propulsion System, granting greater maneuverability to troops in combat. Siege Exoskeletons equipment with Repulsor Armor.

Optical Camo Cloak. Intended to worn as an outer layer over body armor is coated with a Smart Meta-Material layer that actually causes the light falling on it to 'flow' around its surface, emerging on the opposite side traveling in the same direction that it started in, rather than bouncing back allowing the wearer to be detected. The operator can control the surface electronically, making themselves selectively invisible in either the visible spectrum or at IR wavelengths, rendering themselves invisible to heat based targeting systems.

The Direct Neural Interface (DNI) run in 2061, despite a few notable endorsers was purchased almost exclusively by the military wings of the CDP and would be given to high-ranking personnel with mission-critical responsibilities, such as air traffic control and drone/robotics operations specialists; areas in which a human operator has to evaluate and react to large volumes of information coming from numerous sources in real-time. DNI-based control over new technology such as the Laser-based Propulsion System will be game changers on the battlefield.

The Long Range Acoustic Device, or LRAD, is a type of sonic weapon use by police to disperse rallies.

Assault Sheld is a sheld used by siege squads and by police as a protection device.

The Anchor (also called the Bolt Driver) is a piece of equipment, which use in areas with high waves and strong winds.

Repulsor Armor is built-in on the ASP tanks, which are invulnerable to explosives unless having their trophy system destroyed by small arms. Protection can be restored 7 seconds after switching off. The same counts for siege exoskeleton who will deflect any explosives, but are still vulnerable to tactical grenades.

Stun gun is a non-lethal weapon used by the Security Service and the police to catch a violator. Can be distributed in the form of a baton or in the form of a pistol-like weapon.


Rift E9 Gunsmith Model BO3

Rift E9

RK5 Gunsmith model BO3 (1)


MR6 Gunsmith model BO3


L-CAR 9 Gunsmith model BO3


Marshal 16 Gunsmith model BO3

Marshall 16

Strife menu icon BO4


RK 7 Garrison menu icon BO4

RK7 Garrison

KAP 45 menu icon BO4

KAP 45

Kuda Model BO3


VMP Gunsmith model BO3


Pharo Gunsmith model BO3


Spitfire menu icon BO4


Cordite menu icon BO4


KN-44 Gunsmith model BO3


Man-O-War Gunsmith model BO3


FFAR Gunsmith Model BO3


LV8 Basilisk Gunsmith model BO3

LV8 Basilisk

KN-57 menu icon BO4


KVK 99m Gunsmith model BO3

KVK 99m

ABR 223 menu icon BO4

ABR 223

S6 Stingray menu icon BO4

S6 Stingray

205 Brecci Gunsmith model BO3

205 Brecci

Argus Gunsmith model BO3


KRM-262 menu icon BO3


Banshii Gunsmith model BO3


BRM Gunsmith model BO3


Titan menu icon BO4


Dingo menu icon BO3


Gorgon Gunsmith model BO3


Hades menu icon BO4


48 Dredge Gunsmith model BO3

48 Dredge

VKM 750 menu icon BO4

VKM 750

Drakon Gunsmith model BO3


Outlaw menu icon BO4


P-06 Gunsmith model BO3


Koshka menu icon BO4


Locus Gunsmith model BO3


XM-53 Gunsmith model BO3


Hellion Salvo menu icon BO4




Attack Helicopter Concept Art BO4

Attack Helicopter MI-242

F-85 CDP

Fighert "F-85 Bullshark"

Dart Menu Icon BOIII

Suicide Drone "Dart"

Talon-MG profile BO3

Drone "Talon-MG"

Talon-R profile BO3

Drone "Talon-R"

RollingThunder Menu Icon Gamescom BOIII

Drone Kamikaze

Technical Havoc Side BO3


VTOL Drone Combine BO3

VTOL drone

Wraith BO3


Leviathan profile BO3

Mothership "Leviathan"



Manticore profile BO3

Heavy Battle Exosuit "Manticore"

Aaron-beck-cairo-android early

General Purpose Infantry Unit (G.P.I.U., G.I.U., G.I.)

Cerberus profile BO3






Orthrus profile BO3


Hound profile BO3


ASP-M profile BO3


ASPC Model



CDP soldier near ASP-R

625486 1

Heavy Siege armor soldier


CDP Soldier in battle

Undercover Body Male BO3

Light battle armor CDP

NRC soldiers 3D concept models BO3

From left to right: Light armor, Medium armor, Sniper armor, Heavy armor)

NRC Model

CDP assault helmet


CDP siege squad soldier firing from BRM










CDP siege squad soldier firing from BRM and holding Riot Sheld

CDP Police SOBR helmet

CDP Police helmet

CDP assault visor
Super Destroyer Class "Slava"

Super Destroyer Class "Slava"

Rocket Cruiser Class "Moscow"

Rocket Cruiser Class "Moscow"

Patrol ship Class "Ochakov"

Patrol ship Class "Ochakov"

Crusier "Saratov"

Crusier "Saratov"

Super Cruiser "Admiral Makarov"

Super Cruiser "Admiral Makarov"

Assault Carrier "Admiral Kuzhechov"

Assault Carrier "Admiral Kuzhechov"

Space interceptor "Mig-78"

Space interceptor "Mig-78"

Space Fighter Yak-450

Space Fighter Yak-450
