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Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Commander McBragg is a cartoon character who appeared in short segments (usually 90 seconds) that appeared in Underdog animated television show.

The Commander is a retired British officer, who relates stories filled with unlikelihood's and outright impossibilities

A few episodes ended with the suggestion that the Commander's tall tales may have been at least partially true.

Chronicles of Zaragoza[]

Chapter 2: Past, Present and Future Unite[]

He is found by the other group of heroes led by Kate

Some of them are reluctant to recruit an old man like him, and after hearing his rambling about his misadventures which could be dementia. Some of Solider Boy's men try and jump the Commander

However the old guy still has and knocks them all with really ease, before leaving the others to where Cecil and the others located Lizbeth, Kelly, Ren and Cassie went McBragg leads the way for the other heroes as they storm the base and he puts his commander skills to work showing that he still has it and may always have it.

He and Kate lead the way to the base and McBragg keeps all the men at bay so the others can find Cassie, Kelly, Scott and those Winter Soldiers.

Working with Jack, Kate, Kelly, Scott and Spider Noir deal with the rest of the soliders and basically take out them with some of them dying, but the necessary ones.

After Solider Boy's escpaes, he and Captain Carter manage to get the rest of the Allies of Payback 2.0 court marshalled to keep Solider Boy from using any more connections to the military.

Chapter 3: Solider Boy's Final Stand[]

He is found by Dib, M.O.D.A.B and Chloe and he decides to help get them home respectfully, though he questions having Chloe's help.

Mcbragg is attacked by Skullface and his assassins who Solider Boy sent to kill him and they all have to work together to do just that. Mcbragg, M.O.D.A.B and Chloe also fight off and deal with Skull Face's direct attempt to kill them

Solider Boy confronts them and he reveals what his plan is and what he knows, fighting all of them to a stale mate respectively

After this, Commander Mcbragg figures out how to ultimately get the heroes back and decides to lead the group to the lab. They also end up dealing with the other soldiers one at a time. As Dexter and Skipper were tracking them respectfully.

Over time  he and them take care of each one and all the other soldiers to insure that SB cannot go after his crew. He learns that Cecil and the others also are aware as well of the move. He himself is busy at the moment dealing with something. Mcbragg manages to take out the rest of the soliders with M.O.D.A>B, joining forces with Kit Coyote and Oakley Homa to do so when they see powerful ray gun shots fired by Bar Sinister and Sorrento

Commander Mcbragg defeats The Winter Solider who returns again and breaks him out of his brainwashing, he then notices a ray gun shot coming at the heroes. He takes the shot for them and gives his life to save them as they stop the rest of the soldiers.
