Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Clover TS
10 chicks memeClover

Clover is a female hero from the Totally Spies. She is a high school student who also works as a spy for W.O.O.P.H. along with her best friends, Sam and Alex. She is a typical teenger who wants to be popular, is boy-crazy, a shopper and can have a nasty attitude. She has an ongoing bitter rivalry with her nemesis, Mandy, the typical mean girl. They both share a deep distain for each other. Mandy also dislikes Clover's 2 best friends.

The B Team Storyline[]

She is an alley of both The V and B Teams as she gives them all a hand in their missions.

She is the dumb blonde type and is prone to kidnapping. She helps her friends and like praises Reaver's ways of living. Afterwards Clover like Sam and Alex is confused about who Professor Pericles was talking about when he warned them.

Her penchane to getting kidnapped arises again when she and Double D are kidnapped by Brass and thus her friends set to save her and him. They are saved by their friends. The same thing happened to her like it happened to Sam and Alex considering Terrance Lewis (Jerry`s brother and former twin)

Clover is then placed underarrest like her friends when Discord and his boys expose their agency. Discord lured them out with a parol for Terrance Lewis and then afterwards they were placed in Siberia. They were relased by Jack Frost and The Angry Video Game Nerd who cleared the charge and The Nerd had him and his friends's files in Interpol erased.

Ultimate Story[]

Clover made her debut in Ultimate Story the Missing Link. She is a member of GROUP along with her friends, Sam and Alex. She and her friends first met the main characters of the story during a mission to save Corneria from an invasion. They decided to work together to find a way to save their planet.

