Charon is a major villain in the Pokemon universe.
Charon appeared in Saving the World From Ruins!, albeit not in a speaking role. He was seen briefly in Team Galactic's base. Charon made his first full appearance in Gateway to Ruin! along with Saturn where they were trying to find the Spear Pillar in Mt. Coronet.
Charon made another appearance in Team Galactic's finale from Unlocking the Red Chain of Events! to The Battle Finale of Legend!, where he assisted in the final stages of the Red Chain project. He was not arrested, unlike the other three Commanders at the end of the arc, and presumably escaped.
Dynasty Warriors[]
After the events of Diamond and Pearl series, Charon remained alive.
Countdown To Chang's Guide To The Galaxy[]
Chapter 4[]
Charon is contacted by The Smoking Man and he presents the red chain for The Smoking Man to use to get some contact with the Legendary Pokemon Dialga and Palkia. He also instructs him to head to Spear Pillar with it. He has the Team Galactic grunts deal in Iron Island and Eterna City to contend with Dawn and Kelly as well.
Upon The Red Chain breaking upon the release, The CSM comes back with what he wanted, The Time Eater.
Chapter 5[]
He hands the members some dark balls as The Salesman had sent them to Charon to assist them against Lydia, Lincoln, Bender and Anti Cosmo as they are all are in Pokemon regions respectfully. Then Charon helps The CSM organize his men to go to the lakes of Sinnoh to remake a red chain.Charon gives Captain Putty dark balls to use for his own usage, he also orders him to detonate the bombs that they placed in The Lakes. He takes the lake trio and helps construct the Red Chain for CSM
Chapter 6[]
Charon manages with Putty to get a Red Chain respectively with The Smoking Man and has his agents go to try and capture Heatran for them. This doesn't go as planned and The Sales Guy has his own idea to benefit them and Charon agrees with him and with The CSM, they manage to snag Dialga and Palkia and corrupt them into commening Operation Countdown.
Charon attempts to stop Lydia, Lincoln, Dawn, May and Doc from calming the Lake Trio back from him though this doesn't go as planned. Charon also sends the Team Galactic Grunts to deal with them as well as Bender and Slade's Empire which are taken back by ease thanks to the legendary pokemon.
Charon is then apprehended and arrested.