Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Charles Lee26

Charles Lee (1731 – 1782) is a character and the secondary villain from Assassin's Creed 3.

He is one of the most evil and douche bag video game characters of all time.

Before Blackpool series, Lee was once a member of Darkseven, however he betrayed Darkseid in off-screen Lee decided to get his own team called "Templar Order" and waited until the defeat of Malefor, Darkseid, Dr. Weil and Zeus so he can go after The P Team.

Main Allies: Haytham Kenway, White Star, Captain Hook

Main Enemies: Taki, Connor, Black Star, Tsubaki

Killed by: Taki

Died: July 1, 2014 (aged 50)

Moral Ranking: Villainous Benchmark


Charles Lee, at first, a calm, nice, and peaceful man, but we see his true color: A complete Monster, child murdering, destroyer of innocence, the most evil humans in the entire human history, heartless demon fucker we have ever seen. Charles Lee becomes more and more complete monster and psychopath when his masters Haytham and White Star died.


Haytham Kenway[]

Charles Lee's best friend and a master to him. Both Haytham and Lee meet at the Boston and the two were pretty good friends. They created the Templar Orders so they can rule the Multi-Universe. They also have same enemy known as Connor Kenway, Haytham Kenway's son.

White Star[]

Like Haytham, White Star is one of Charles Lee's best friends. Haytham, White Star, and Lee meet at the Boston and the three were pretty good friends and created the Templar Orders so they can rule the Multi-Universe.


Black Star[]




Lee also met Slade and Anti Cosmo before the events of Legends of Light and Darkness. They were at wars and Lee "lost" the war, but he knows that Slade and Anti Cosmo are with Bender, so Lee believed the three would go down to Darkseid having faith in his former master. Lee watches the fight and leaves them alone in cold hearted. Evil laugh that his plans worked.

Allies and enemies[]

Allies: Haytham Kenway, White Star, Templar Orders

Enemies: Connor, Black Star, Tsubaki, Taki, TMNT (Both 1987 and 2003 versions), Slade,Anti Cosmo, Darksied, the Darkseven


Charles Lee debuts as the tertiary antagonists while his master, Haytham Kenway is the secondary antagonist and White Star the main antagonist.

At the end of the first half Charles Lee was killed by Taki for good.

Charles Lee cares and help his fellow partners, Haytham Kenway, Captain Hook, and White Star.



Assassin's Creed 3 Connor Meets Charles Lee

