Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Charizard tough pose

Charizard is a dragon-like Fire/Flying type Pokemon that has powerful fire attacks. It is the final evolved form of Charmander after it evolves into Charmeleon.

Ash's Charizard used to act reckless and disobedient towards him. Then during the adventure on the Orange Islands, Ash tried to save Charizard from freezing to death, and it was then when Charizard remembered how Ash had rescued him as a Charmander and cared for him very much. Since then, Charizard has been a wonderful team player and friend to Ash.

Charizard enjoys flying around the sky in search of powerful opponents. He breathes fire of such great heat that it melts anything. However, Charizard never turns his fiery breath on any opponent weaker than himself.

Charizard is both Menslady125 and The4everrevival's favorite Fire-Type Pokemon and is the latter's favorite Generation 1 Pokemon.

Its name is a combination of "char", "to burn", and "lizard".

Its Japanese name, リザードン Lizardon, is a combination of lizard and either dragon or don, the Greek word for tooth, which is commonly used in dinosaur names.

In Generation VIII, it has its own Gigantamax form.

Ultimate Story[]

Much like the anime, Ash owns a Charizard. It rebelled against him at first but then eventually came to its senses and became one of his best Pokemon.

Bowser also owns a Charizard. They both share the same dragon-like characteristics, including their fire abilities.

Phase 4[]

Lydia Lopez of Team Free Will owns one as her kanto starter, she choose it due to her liking for dragon like pokemon


  • Flamethrower - Charizard breathes out a big blast of flames that deals damage and has a 10% chance of burning the target
  • Fire Spin - Charizard breathes out a whirlwind of fire that traps his opponent
  • Fire Blast - a VERY powerful flame breath attack that deals damage and has a 10% chance of burning the target
  • Dragon Breath - Charizard breathes a blast of Dragon-elemental energy that deals damage and has a 30% chance of paralyzing the target
  • Fly - besides using this for just flying, Charizard can use this to fly up high to avoid most attacks, then come down and strike his foe
  • Overheat - a powerful flame breath attack that deals damage. Charizard must use this wisely, though, as this attack lowers his Special Attack by two stages after he uses this
  • Dragon Rage - an unusual attack that always deals 40 HP damage to the target, regardless of typing
  • Steel Wing - summons Steel-elemental energy to Charizard's wings, which he then hits the opponent with to deal damage. It also has a 10% chance of raising his Defense
  • Iron Tail - summons Steel-elemental energy to Charizard's tail. Charizard then strikes his opponent with his tail...and in the case with another Pokemon has a 30% chance of lowering the target's Defense
  • Max Flare - in Dynamax mode, Charizard breathes out a powerful fire breath attack that causes damage and can create harsh sunlight for five turns.
  • G-Max Wildfire - in Dynamax mode, Charizard breathes out an extremely powerful fire breath attack that deals massive damage. In the case with other Pokemon, this attack causes all non-Fire type opponents to lose 16 of their maximum HP after each turn, for 4 turns.

