Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Chakal the book of like

Chakal is the main antagonist of the 2014 animated film The Book of Life. He is a wicked and ruthless bandit who terrorizes Mexico and commands a fierce army. He has razor-sharp teeth, carries two giant swords, and his presence sends people running for their lives. During his last battle, he met his suicidal demise against the hands of Manolo Sanchez.

Double Life Emergence[]

Chakal was the cartel enforcer that took over for Kostas Becker after his demise at Slade, Bender and the other's hands and Eladio decided to use his fearsome reputation to invade Slade's empire that was on the eve of being build. He lead a fierce army against Slade's empire, and also came up against Bender and his P.I Associates as well as the President as well. He was killed by Bender with help from Mike and was placed down with his fierece army wiped out by Slade. Eladio's reasoning for hiring Anton was to replace the fearsome reptuation Chakal had piror

It was also revealed that when he was killed by Bender, He alongside Anti Cosmo and Slade managed to dispose of the body using hydrofluoric acid though the three were careful to use a tub that acid can't dissolve. They did this to get rid of the body as body burials wasn't going to solve this.

He was also the one who had a hand in the Multiversal Resistance's deaths as it's revealed by Alice and that he had forced AAARRRGGUH to have them killed when he was alive serving Don Eladio. He was behind the deaths of Red X and Red Hood and Midas helped cover up the deaths as well as the Multiversal Resistance's members he killed.

