Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

A rival or villain character that follows a strict code of honor.

The equal and opposite enemy to the hero, who, save for the tragic circumstances of their life, upbringing, political ideology, or financial situation, might have been the hero's best friend. Unfortunately, though, they must be the hero's opposition. Evenly matched, with a sense of honor that allows the hero to trust them about a select few things, and an honest respect for the hero, the Worthy Opponent also fights to the same standards of fairness as the hero. The Worthy Opponent will also do things like give his word or allow the wounded hero to escape to fight another day. They will invariably even the terms of a fight when they possess a clear advantage, often being unwilling to fight an unarmed foe and waiting until an unconscious enemy has woken and can engage in an honorable duel.


Hunson Abadeer and Ra's Al Ghul to Lizbeth

Deathstroke (Arrow), The Prankster, Death (Puss In Boots), Frank Underwood and Solider Boy to Bender

Ares to Kratos,Maka,and Hunson Abadeer

Super-Skrull Kl'rt to Zero (Megaman X)

BlackMetalGreymon to Blue, Kratos and Tai

Darkcord to Blue

Zeus to Maka Albarn

Khorne to any of his enemies that give him and his followers a good fight cleanly with his version of honorable combat. If amused enough by their taste for combat to the death, he can bring them back to life with his godly powers as another of his signs of respect. If they find his gift of resurrection to be forcibly transported in a revived body to fight forever against his armies inside his warp realm enjoyable dying over again then being brought back to life to start new battles, enjoyable.

Ganondorf to Link as a result of Ganon respecting Link's courage, toughness, determination and is pleasantly surprised by Link's ability to give him a challenge.

Sasha Wayblight sees Luz as one

The Ganggreen Gang to Lincolin

Toffee at the end of the day of The Return of Weirdmagedon Cult admits to seeing Lydia as one and to an extent Lincoln. This is also shared by Lalo Salmanca

Omni Man to Ford Pines

Frank Underwood and Solider Boy to Slade and Anti Cosmo

Solider Boy to Luan Loud

All items (55)
