Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Megatron on the subject of the equality for the other cybertronian classes against the Autobot High Council.

As we know villains usually have intentions for world domination or the killing of others. But these villains have GOOD intentions to their plans, they are understandable and you can't help but feel that maybe they have a point in their wicked (if any) actions. Usually Anti Villains and villains would reform


Solidus Snake: He wants to be remembered as a man who saved his country from The Patriots and Galvatron so that America could be brought back to the principles it was founded on (freedom, liberty, and democracy). Unfortantuly He can't have children to pass his legacy down to as he's a clone and is going to die soon, also The Patriots censor all that they don't like. He is willing to work with Terrioists however to acheive this. Fortauntly he reformed and joined Bender against Iron Queen

Slade: While at first he was a clear cut villain, In Slade Strikes Back he developed more well intentions for his reasons. Slade belives that the Multi Universe isn't what it should be and that all people shouldn't live in fear so he plans to take over it so he can change it back to the way it was. He may kill people, but never his enemies as he feels that villains need their enemies and his only antagonism towards Angewomon and Mystetrion is his constientcy to help him in his plans as they can lead the multiuniverse into a renassiance. And he also wants to take over the multiverse but only a part of it as he feels that no one should have all the power to rule the multiverse and with that part he wanted to make it a entire part of the multiverse where villains can live without being proscuted or feared by the public for no reason.

Big Boss: He wanted to free his world from The Patriots like his son. Big Boss was sympathetic regardless of being a hero or villain. But he is a tragic character as he had to kill his mother like figure even when she was innocent. He was used by the Patriots and cloned him without his consent. So he left to try and take over his universe to stop them. He was killed by his son, but through nanomachines he returned, changed sides, died again and came back from the dead and joined forces with The B Team

Hunson Abadeer: While he may be  a devil figure, Hunson believes that the multiuverse needs a ruler that takes direct action since he feels the Autobots aren't exactly the overlookers that many claim them to be. HE also feels the multiverse needs someone who won't destroy it like Galvatron or someone who may make people's lives hell like many other villains as well as wanting to make a positive difference in the multiverse.

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