"Its so eaaaasy to deceive you, with my nifty little tricks! Aaaand to make you believe, each character that I pick!" |
Often more of an annoying nuisance than a fearsome or dangerous enemy, a Trickster may take many forms, from a con artist to a mischievous imp. Adventures with trickster-type villains tend to be light and comedy-oriented, and the hero typically finds a way to defeat them non-violently.
Sometimes, there may be a lesson learned from the trickster, even if it's unintentional; the best example of such a character is Mister Mxyzptlk, who torments the heroes of the DC Comics Universe, especially Superman.
Other times, however, there are dangerous and serious villains that deploy very sneaky tactics and deceptive techniques to fool their enemies and/or the heroes. An example could be Rose Armitage who tricked countless victims into being brainwashed by the Order of the Coagula.
NOTE: not to be confused with Liars who trick others or Mischievous characters; this page is just for characters who fit the Trickster archetype.
AM -
Erica Wang -
Asuka Kazama -
Bender Rodriguez -
Assassin of "Black" -
Sir Isaac Ray Peram Westcott -
Archer/Nobunaga Oda (Fate/KOHA-ACE) -
Shu Maiko
All items (710)
- Abeloth
- Abrakadaver
- Adel (Kamen Rider)
- Admiral Alexander Marcus
- Agent Dunbar
- Agent Willis Huntley
- Ahkmou
- Ahmet (Assassin's Creed)
- Ahuizotl
- Airi (Queen's Blade)
- Ajar
- Akeno Himejima
- Akihiro Kurata
- Akiko Yosano
- Aku
- Al Mualim
- Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)
- Aldrich Killian
- Alice (Pandora Hearts)
- Allen Walker
- AM
- Amaimon (Blue Exorcist)
- Amatsu-Mikaboshi (Marvel Comics)
- Amora The Enchantress
- Anansi
- Angel (KOF)
- Angel Dog/Devil Dog
- Anna Williams
- Anti-Christ/Nemo
- Anya Forger
- Aquamarine
- Aracuan Bird
- Archer/Nobunaga Oda (Fate/KOHA-ACE)
- Archie Mitchell
- Ares (God of War)
- Argit
- Arkham Knight
- Arlong
- Arvo (Telltale)
- Asakim Dowin
- Assassin of "Black"
- Asta
- Asuka Kazama
- Asuka R.Kreuz
- Auditor
- August
- Avatar (Awakening)
- Aversa
- Azazel (High School DxD)
- Azeban
- Aziz
- Azula
- Azura
- Azwel
- B. Jenet
- Baby Doll
- Badonna
- Baiken
- Balloon Boy
- Banshee (Gargoyles)
- Baron Von Ravendale
- Barricade
- Beatrice Bergamot
- Beelzeboss
- Beetlejuice
- Beezy Heinous
- Behemecoatyl
- Belladonna
- Bellatrix Lestrange
- Ben Ravencroft
- Bender Rodriguez
- Bendy (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends)
- Bentham
- Big Daddy (The Purge: Anarchy)
- Bill Cipher
- Black Hat (Villainous)
- Blackout (Transformers)
- Blair (Soul Eater)
- Bluto
- Boethiah
- Britt Warrick
- Bubble Bass
- Bugs Bunny
- Bunny and Claude
- Burger-Beard
- Cajun Fox
- Calypso
- Candlejack
- Cao Cao (Dynasty Warriors)
- Captain Basilisx
- Carantula
- Carface
- Carmilla (Castlevania)
- Caster/Merlin (Fate/Grand Order)
- Cegorach
- Celestial Toymaker
- Chakravartin
- Changeling (Warhammer 40K)
- Changelings
- Chaos (Aladdin)
- Char Aznable
- Charles Lee
- Chelsea Van Der Zee
- Cheshire Cat
- Chester V
- Chill Penguin
- Chlomaki
- Chris McClean
- Chuluun
- Chuya Nakahara
- Claude von Riegan
- Clavicus Vile and Barbas
- Colonel Augustus Autumn
- Count Cagliostro
- Count Dracula (Monster Force)
- Count Olaf
- Count Spankulot
- Cozy Glow
- Crooked Man (The Wolf Among Us)
- Crossbones
- Cuphead
- D.J. (Star Wars)
- Da Ji (Warriors Orochi)
- Dag (Barnyard)
- Dai Shi
- Dampierre
- Dante (Fullmetal Alchemist)
- Dark Danny
- Dark Lord (Ragnarok)
- Dark Lugiel
- Darkonda
- Darth Bane
- Darth Sidious
- Dartz
- Deadpool
- Dee Dee Twins
- Del Spooner
- Denzel Crocker
- Detective Pikachu
- Devidramon
- Deviot
- Di Lung
- Diao Chan
- Dick Dastardly and Muttley
- Dick Hardly
- Dio Brando
- Dirk Dinkum
- Discord
- Djimmi the Great
- Djinn
- Doctor Frankenollie
- Dodomeki
- Doll Master
- Dominique Baldwin
- Dong Zhuo
- Donquixote Doflamingo
- Double
- Doug Judy
- Dr. Facilier
- Dr. Finitevus
- Dr. Malcolm Betruger
- Dr. Phillip Channard
- Dr. T
- Drew Lansing/Kamen Rider Torque
- Dropkick
- Duncan (Total Drama)
- Edric Blight
- Edward Elric
- Edwin Black
- Elder Toguro
- Elfman Strauss
- Elim Garak
- Elise (Fire Emblem)
- Eliza (Tekken)
- Elizabeth (Persona)
- Elsa Schneider
- Eobard Thawne (Arrowverse)
- Eric Smith
- Erica Wang
- Erika Furudo
- Eriol Hiiragizawa
- Ernesto de la Cruz
- Ernie The Giant Chicken
- Ernst Starvro Blofeld
- Espa Roba
- Eustace Bagge
- Evanora
- Evil Bugs Bunny