"It's not her fault. She's programmed with the most tragic back-story ever." |
The tragic heroes are part of a longstanding literary concept; these are characters with fatal flaw (like pride, for example) who is doomed to fail in search of their goals despite their best efforts or good intentions.
They are often not in full control of their actions/emotions and hence the reader/viewer can sympathize with them due to them not being alone by choice, but rather by them being (for the most part) a victim of circumstance. In an common breeder, these misfortunes can also cause these heroes to lose everyone they love and/or have every dream unfulfilled and broken is the most realistic way to turn a God Amongst Men into a pathetic crying wreck. In fact, they suffer from many parts including:
- The hero perseveres over the trials of life, rises above it and becomes a better person for it all. This tragic hero is the Iron Woobie. (e.g. Batman, Katarina Couteau, Maria Arzonia, Imperia Deamonne and Jenny Mills)
- The protagonist throws off his hero mantle, tramples it, and in a cold rush of unrelenting cynicism becomes a villain just as bad, if not worse, than the antagonist. This tragic hero is the Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds. (e.g. Jeremy Crane, Kuroto Dan, Plaisir Permafrost, Gregory Grape, Twisty the Clown and Oriax Wheelahr)
- The hero curls into a figurative or literal catatonic ball in a cold dark corner, then proceeds to give up on life and the world. This tragic hero is the part of Despair Event Horizon. (e.g. Helene Hawthorn)
- The character goes out in a blaze of bloodthirsty rage realizing that the best way out is by taking it out on everyone. This tragic hero is part of Roaring Rampage of Revenge. (e.g. Carl Robinson, Punisher, Red Hood and Selina Strawberry)
- The character loses their sense of idealism, but not their morality. Most Anti Heroes who started out as an Ideal Hero are Type E. This hero is the Knight in Sour Armor. (e.g. Harvey Bullock)
- An rarest type: this character just shrug their shoulders at the Deus Angst Machina. No lessons are learned nor does the character behave differently. All that's changed is that the character now sleeps in a cardboard box and eats out of dumpsters. This tragic hero has a dissonant serenity even in the most dire of situations. (e.g. Sieg in Fate/Apocrypha, Cosette, and Shinji Ikari)
- Somewhere between the Despair Event Horizon and unbreakable resolve of the Iron Woobie is a common middle ground, where the survivor is clearly damaged by the ordeal, but is not lost completely or rendered insane (and thus has hope of recovery to Type A). This tragic hero is the Woobie. (e.g. Future Maria)
- Jerks who lash out at others (Not physically) due to anger and depression problems caused by a lost loved one, social and/or financial matters, troubled past or present, lack of friends, being bullied, etc. (e.g. Trafalgar Law)
These characters are not to be confused with byronics, who are charismatic characters with strong passions and beliefs, yet are nonetheless deeply flawed individuals.
This term has been taken from TV tropes. For more information, see the original article.
Celestine Lucross -
Claudia Levantine -
Chloe (Kuroinu) -
Nikusa -
Berserker/Minamoto-no-Raikou (Fate/Grand Order) -
Anakin Skywalker -
Assassin/Hassan of Serenity -
Archer/Future Shirou Emiya
All items (906)
- Aang
- Abbie Mills
- Abraham Whistler
- Adam Frankenstein
- Adora Matapang
- Aera (Fayelon)
- Afro Samurai
- Agent Carolina
- Ai Komiyama
- Aigis
- Akame
- Akane Taira
- Akeno Himejima
- Akiha Tohno
- Akiko Yosano
- Alain (Pokemon)
- Alain/Kamen Rider Necrom
- Albert Apple
- Alex Hendrickson
- Alex Mercer
- Alfred (Bloodstained)
- Alice (Pandora Hearts)
- Alice Liddell
- Alice Quinn
- Alisa Ilinichina Amiella
- All Might (Toshinori Yagi)
- Allen Walker
- Alleyne
- Alm
- Alucard (Castlevania)
- Alyssa Hamilton
- Amuro Ray
- Anakin Skywalker
- Anastasia (Don Bluth)
- Andrea Beaumont
- Andrew Ender Wiggin
- Andy Barclay
- Ange Ushiromiya
- Angel (Borderlands)
- Angel Dust
- Angelise Ikaruga Misurugi
- Angewomon
- Anne Knolles
- Anri Sonohara
- Ansem the Wise
- Anthea and Concordia
- Anton Mercer
- Anya Forger
- Aoi Aioi
- Arcee
- Archer of Red/Atalanta (Fate/Apocrypha)
- Archer/Future Shirou Emiya
- Arcueid Brunestud
- Arya Stark
- Ash Graven
- Ash Williams
- Ashe
- Asher Forrester
- Assassin/Hassan of Serenity
- Assassin/Kato Danzou (Fate/Grand Order)
- Asta
- Asuha Chigusa
- Asuka Kazama
- Asuka Langley Soryu
- Athena (Borderlands)
- Athena Cykes
- Atom Eve
- Atsushi Nakajima
- Avatar (Awakening)
- Avenger (Fate)
- Avenger/Edmond Dantes (Fate/Grand Order)
- Aya Brea
- AZ (Pokemon)
- Azaka Kokutou
- Azura
- Baccarat Blueberry
- Baiken
- Bakura Ryou
- Baldur
- Bambi
- Barnaby Brooks Jr.
- Batman
- Bazett Fraga McRemitz
- Bean Grunkwitz
- Beatrice Bergamot
- Beatrice Prior
- Beatrix Kiddo
- Ben Sisko
- Bentley (Sly Cooper)
- Bernie Crane
- Berserker of Black/Frankenstein (Fate/Apocrypha)
- Berserker/Florence Nightingale (Fate/Grand Order)
- Berserker/Minamoto-no-Raikou (Fate/Grand Order)
- Berserker/Sir Lancelot (Fate/Zero)
- Betsy Ross (Sleepy Hollow)
- Billy Butcher
- Black Panther
- Blade (Marvel)
- Bloody Bunny
- Blue Mary
- Blythe Baxter
- Boa Hancock
- Boomer Jojo
- Brainy Barker
- Brody Romero
- Bruce Banner/Hulk
- Bruce Wayne (Gotham)
- Bryce Boltzmann
- Bubbly Begonia
- Byleth
- Caesar (Planet of the Apes)
- Cai Wenji
- Cale Tucker
- Calvin Cranberry
- Captain Jean-Luc Picard
- Carl Fredricksen
- Carl Robinson
- Carrie White
- Cassandra Alexandra
- Cassie (Animorphs)
- Castiel
- Celestine Lucross
- Celica (Fire Emblem)
- Celty Sturluson
- Cerebella
- Chael
- Chane Laforet
- Chappie
- Chapter Master Gabriel Angelos
- Charles Hedgehog
- Charlie Brown
- Cheryl (Pokemon)
- Chiaki Nanami
- Chihiro Fujisaki
- Chip (Sonic)
- Chisa Yukizome
- Chitose Karasuma (Girlish Number)
- Chloe (Kuroinu)
- Chlomaki
- Chris Yukine
- Christie Monteiro
- Chrom
- Chrysanthemum
- Chun-Li
- Ciel (Megaman)
- Ciel (Tsukihime)
- Ciel Phantomhive
- Claire (Fundamental Paper Education)
- Claire Stanfield
- Claudette Vance
- Claudia Levantine
- Clawroline
- Clementine (Telltale)
- Cody Hida
- Cole Evans
- Commander Wolffe
- Conker The Squirrel
- Connor
- Copper (Disney)
- Cordelia Foxx
- Cosmo the Seedrian
- Courtney (Final Exam)
- Crona
- Cryska Barchenowa
- Cubone
- Cyborg 009
- Cygnus Hyoga
- Daenerys Targaryen
- Dagan Gera
- Daisy (Sonic X)
- Dan Kuso
- Danielle (Lady and the Tramp)
- Daredevil
- Dark Danny
- Darkman
- David (Among the Sleep)
- David Talon
- Davos Seaworth
- Dean Winchester
- Deimos (God of War)
- Del Spooner
- Delia Ketchum
- Denethor II
- Depth Charge
- Derrick Cole
- Diamond Tiara
- Dianna Soreil
- Diao Chan
- Diarmuid Ua Duibhne
- Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd
- Diogenes
- Dizzy
- Doom Slayer
- Doomguy