Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Teammates who act amoral, jerkish or outright evil. These can vary from anti heroes to outright villains.


Bender of M.O.D.A.B: While not a villain he certainly does have a lot of things going for being like this. Due to his love of stealing, commiting violence, killing and being a dick. However in his own team, he actually is a downplayed example as he has other people play this role to him usually being villains or more unhinged than him like Heloise.

Noob and Hans also played this role to the team when they quit Hunson Abadeer's empire in The Great Time Travel Adventure for their own reasons

Slade, Anti Cosmo and The V Team basically have taken this role since The V Team Island Adventure towards the heroes and find themselves working with the forces of good as opposed to the forces of evil for thier own reasons and Their eventual geunine partnership with The B Team.

Princess Morbucks, Pericles, Reaver, Profion and Mandark all play this role to the heroes to an extent against Vilgax and his forces in The Grand Summer Season Trek

Discord himself plays the role of this to THe B Team after Legends of Light and Darkness

Jesse plays this role in the second half of Isle Tour after being backstabbed by his partner and nearly being killed.

Hunson Abadeer is this to The V Crusaders against Discord, and also plays this role frequently until his true Heel Face Turn.

Crowley plays this to Bender, Slade and Discord as he wants revenge on the Reverse Flash and his Syndicate for stealing his home, using him and other things. Crowley also plays this to Lydia, Lincolin, Ford, Castiel and Team Free Will against Toffee and Bill Cipher's Cult ending in him deciding to step down from running Hell to join Team Free Will fully.

The Prankster is this in The B Plot of Phase 4, while being the Big Bad of The Prankster Point Paradox, she is also just as willing to be a teammate and an ally when it comes to mutual interests for her own plans.

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