Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

The Revelation of Qliphoth are the main antagonists of the LOTM: Sword of Kings - Magic Side, responsable for all bad events and incidents involving the magic and black magic from the Underworld happening across the series as a whole and has a role in the story much bigger than Triggers Hell, whom are "Satanists" (worshippers of Satan) or "Leonists".

They're a Aranist (and are a powerful group of 40,000,000,000,000 reality-warping fallen angels (or demons), each corresponding to a negative emotion of life, thumb or fingers, directly below Ara Astaroth in power and authority. All of them were originally humans (non-humans were exiled) who were chosen by Ara to serve her.

The faction is considered an unique extremely massive cult formed by countless allied factions, such as Qliphoth Realm, Yuu Vong Church, Astaroth Empire and many others, all with one single objective; aid Ara in her goals to plunge the whole omniverse in chaos and destruction, and then travel to another omniverse to do the same thing.

Know Differences[]

  • Satanist: Worship Satan and plans to take over the Multi-Universe and rule it with iron fist where only richs and people from elite rule the world; (oppression)
  • Leonist: Worship Leohart the Prince of Hell and plans to bring Hell to the universe of the livings to turn all realities into a new Hell scenery; (destruction)
  • Aranist: Worship Ara Astaroth and plans to bring much of destruction, war and death as they can to corrupt all living beings using a extremely corrupt religion and politicy. Once they are done, they're willing to destroy the omniverse using Death-Virus and Black Holes to eat all celestial bodies, leaving an infinite emptiness and ending all life. (corruption, oppression and TOTAL destruction)

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