Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

The Main Team of The Story: The Prankster Point Paradox

Bender and Launchpad are the members of M.O.D.A.B that part of the team

Luan, Wile E Coyote, Cleo Subprime and G-Lo are the members of Bender's invesitgation team that are part of this team

Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harrison Wells and Celes Chere are The members of Slade's Empire that are part of the team

Marcy Wu, Libby Stein, Amity Blight, Tom Lucifor and Scrooge Mcduck are part of The Mar Mar Gang

Sasha, Grime and King Andiras are unaligned

Homer Simpson, Callohun, Wolverine, Kick Ass and Hit Girl are part of The V Crusaders

Cricket Green and Ronnie Anne are part of Team Free Will and get involved due to Marcy, Bender, Tom and Libby's investgation.

All items (25)
