Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

From Left to Right, Bender Rogetiuz, Stan Smith, Peter Griffin and Homer Simpson


The Animation Domination Fox amd Global Family

Characters from the shows The Simpsons, Futurama, American Dad, Family Guy, The Cleveland Show and House belong here.

The 4 main ranking members of the Fox Family are Homer Simpson, Bender Bending Rogiruez, Stan Smith and Stewie Griffin

Ranking Order

1.Homer Simpson


3. Stan Smith

4. Stewie Griffin

(Note: Peter Griffin is really main character of Family Guy and while he is funny Stewie is an all time fan favorite) who represent the 4 finest animated shows of Fox. Fry is also the main character of Futurama, but Bender seems to the most well known character of the show alongside Dr.Zoidberg.

All items (253)
