Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Superhuman can mean an human, for example, by genetic modification, unimaginable strength, unimaginable speed, regenerative capabilities or exceptional proficiency at something, far beyond the normal. All of the entries must be Human. Look at this before you add one.


  • Cammy, Snake, Liquid and Soldius are all genetic clones. In the case of the three latter they were products of Les Enfants Terrible and made into supersoliders.
  • Albert Wesker through the T-Virus and faking his death at the Mansion Incident.
  • Samus Aran became superhuman through the Chozo.
  • Sohpitia developed superhuman abilities as part of Discord's scheme.
  • Rikka Takarada did a direct contact with Gridman by developing superhuman powers/abilities and transformations.
  • Kanami Etou did an ancestral contact with Demon Slayer Corps and Hashiras to master all of Breathing Styles and to receive divine protection against enemies' attacks.
  • Sento Kiryu/Kamen Rider Build and Milinda Brantini received Alaya-Vijnana System.
  • Isaac Kanda, Bacht, and Shindai Siblings received new Demonic Alien Energies and Powers from Dark Lugiel.
  • Ji-Shin became Kamen Rider Evol by receiving new Demonic Alien Energies and Powers from Dark Lugiel.
  • Tousei Kaneshiro became Kamen Rider MadRogue by receiving Demonic Alien Energies and Powers from Dark Lugiel.
  • Lucius Malfoy became Kamen Rider Killbus by receiving Demonic Alien Energies and Powers from Dark Lugiel.
  • Hiroki Nagase and Ryuga Banjou received superhuman dna powers from Fenix Superhuman Laboratory Center since childhood.

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