Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

The series has an ensemble cast, but this character gets a disproportionately large amount of attention. A character might give such a set of performances that he or she will dominate whatever scene they're in; and they are given more focus over their co stars to the point where they seem to be the main character. The Opposite is Characters out of Focus


The 5 characters that ran with the plot and became the primary focus.

Bender joined by Slade and Anti Cosmo basically stole the spotlight from the rest of the cast after TGTTA 2 outside of Team Free Will's cast, Luan Loud, Harrison Wells and Deathstroke Wilson. Initially the deuteragonist and the 2 main villains of the first story respectively. As of The Prankster Point Paradox, Bender, Anti Cosmo and Slade are the 3 characters with the most screen time overall of the cast, which continues into Countdown. This is noticeably played with as despite this, the 3 are in the B Plot for most of the storyline to Team Free Will and Marcy Wu shares the spotlight with the trio. As well not appearing in Return of The Weirdmagedon Cult and Chang's Guide To The Galaxy's 1st half. Anglesmith Origins While will showing the old cast of the series, they have bit roles where as Anti Cosmo, Slade and Bender are 3 of the 4 most prominent POV Characters in the story and are the major 3 characters who work with Cavnedish and Dakota in Chronicles of Zaragoza Chapter 8. They also serve as the 3 main characters of Disenchanted House of Cards with the rest of the cast serving as cameos.

Lincoln Loud and Lydia Lopez of Team Free Will when from bit characters and prominent characters to Phase 4's unquestionable main leads being main characters in nearly every story they appear in outside The Unown Threat, Anglesmith Origins and Chronicles of Zaragoza. The Phase 4 stories put a lot of attention on their heroics, plots and their developing relationship. This isn't really bad though, considering the Phase 4 storyline's most heartwarming aspects come from the two respectively. Streamverse focuses on just them for the most part and Chronicles of Zaragoza has them take a important role by aiding the heroes as a duo of secret backers.

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