Sidekicks, The main assistant of the heroes and villains this is also linked to 2nd in command as this is the common place they are in a team but not always is this true
- Bender and Bubbles to Dib
- Lizbeth to Captain Flamingo
- Starfire, Skipper, Jorgen and Luan Loud to Bender, Espically Skipper who is the primary sidekick to him and Luan who takes over the role after Skipper becomes more of his partner than sidekick.
- Nibbler, Heloise, Pinky, The Brain, Boomer and Peep to Lizbeth
- King Julian to a degree with Skipper
- Negaduck to Eddy
- Anti Cosmo to Slade
- Launchpad and Gosalyn to Darkwing Duck
- Spike to Twlight Sparkle
- Luigi to Mario
- Pinky to The Brain
- Hans to Noob
- Alternate Doofenschimtz to Marcline's Dad
- Death the Kid, Liz, and Patty to Knuckles Riso(also Partners too)
- King of Sorrow to Jenner
- Bartok and Alex to Blue
- Lexington to Spike
- Monodramon to Jesu Otaku
- C-3PO and R2-D2 to Obi-Wan and Anakin
- Dark Samus to Count Veger
- Scanty and Kneesocks to Cecliate
- BlackMetalGreymon to BlackGarurumon
- Fenrir Greyback to Voldemort
- Bowser Jr to Rico Dredd
- SkekUng to Lord of Darkness
- Milenna to Shinnok
- Dimentio to Wiseman
- Commander Willaim Riker to Captain Picard
- Spock and Dr.Mc Coy to Kirk
- Torch to Blade
- Abe Sapien to Hellboy
- Blue to Protoman
- Sparks to Spyro
- Shiny to Gilbert
- I.R Babboon to I.M Weasel
- Isabella to Phineas
- Tails to Sonic
- Rita to Hugo
- Cera, Ducky, Petrie, Spike(LBOT), Chomper, Ruby, Ali to Littlefoot
- Captain Grigori to Vlad Bender
- Death to Dracula
- Lefou to Gaston
- Zubashi and Master Gangles to Nox Decious
- Captain Morgan to The Darkness
- Alucard to V
- Jake to Taven
- Agumon to Tyler Klause/Kamen Rider Dragon Knight
- Ghoulies to Landarick
- Brian to Peter and later Soul Eater Evans
- Kid Flash to Jinx
- Fidget to Dust
- Gregor Clegane to Tywin Lannister
- Hibiki Tachibana to Souji Tendou/Kamen Rider Kabuto
- Hazuki Kagimura to Touma Kamiyama/Kamen Rider Saber
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