"Damnit man, I'm a Doctor, not a torpedo technician!" |
Character who are scientist. They can be good scientists who use their intelligence for the good or evil scientists who use their intelligence for the evil.
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Dr. Amelia Buck -
Jemma Simmons -
Jules Verne (JV - The Extraordinary Adventures of Jules Verne) -
Bruce Banner/Hulk -
Reina (FNF) -
Phineas Flynn -
Caster of Black/Avicebron (Fate/Apocrypha) -
Alex Mercer
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- A.J. (Fairly Odd Parents)
- Abby Maitland
- Abraham Van Helsing (Hotel Transylvania)
- Agatha Heterodyne
- Agnus
- Agumon Expert
- Aida (Marvel)
- Aikurō Mikisugi
- Aiwarn
- Ajax (Marvel)
- Akari Tsukimura
- Akihiro Kanou
- Akihiro Kurata
- Akiko Yosano
- Akita
- Akrak Couteau
- Alador Blight
- Albert Shaggleford
- Aldrich Killian
- Aleister Crowley
- Alex Mercer
- Alex Wesker
- Alexandra Ehle
- Alfred Ashford
- Alfred Drevis
- Alia
- Aliana
- Alistair Smythe
- Allison Reed
- Aloyse Von Roddenstein
- Aloysius Animo
- Alphys
- Alternate Doofenschimtz
- Amanda Waller
- Amonati
- Amy Wong
- Android 21
- Andross
- Angela Fairweather
- Angelo Lawrence
- Ansem the Wise
- Anthony Cole
- Anton Arcane
- Anton Mercer
- Anton Sevarius
- Anya (TimeSplitters)
- April O'Neil (2003)
- Arnim Zola
- Artemius Lucas
- Aryana Westcott
- Asgard Electronics
- Asuna Karino
- Azar Javed
- Azazel (High School DxD)
- Azmuth
- Azwel
- B.J. (Dinosaur)
- Baatar Jr.
- Bagura
- Balam Alliance - DEM Empire Enslaved Factions
- Baron Karza
- Baron Zemo
- Barr
- Baxter Stockman (1987 Version)
- Baxter Stockman (2012 series)
- Belphegor
- Ben Cortman
- Bentley "Wizzard" Wittman
- Bentley (Sly Cooper)
- Berg Katse
- Bertron
- Bill Harding
- Bill Hawks
- Bill Nye the Science Guy
- Black Jack
- Black Panther
- Blackarachnia
- Blossom
- Bob Iverson
- Bob Page
- Bolivar Trask
- Brain (DC)
- Brain Drain
- Brian Banner
- Bruce Banner/Hulk
- Bryony
- Bulma
- Burt (Danger Rangers)
- Bushroot
- Béla Andràs Benedek
- Cam Watanabe
- Cameron Winter
- Captain Nemo
- Caramba
- Carlton Drake
- Carol Lineus
- Casanova Frankenstein
- Caster of Black/Avicebron (Fate/Apocrypha)
- Castillo Sermano
- Catherine Elizabeth Halsey
- Cerberus (Mass Effect)
- Charles Hedgehog
- Charon (Pokemon)
- Chemist (American Horror Story)
- Chester Dolenz
- Chicken Little
- Chihiro Fujisaki
- Christian Szell
- Ciel (Megaman)
- Cisco Ramon (Arrowverse)
- Ciseaux
- Claire (Professor Layton)
- Claire Wyden
- Clemont
- Colress
- Commander Keen
- Cranky Kong
- Cult of the Cat
- Cynthia (Pokemon)
- Cypher Albar
- Cyrus (Pokemon)
- Cyrus Strange
- Dabney Donovan
- Daiji Igarashi/Kamen Rider Live
- Dana Scully
- Darius Hellstromme
- Dark Beast
- Dave (Penguins of Madagascar)
- David Banner
- David Talon
- Dean Armitage
- Democratic Republic of Chronos
- Dera Mochimazzi
- Derek Clifford Simmons
- Destro
- Deus.Ex.Machina Industries
- Dexter
- Dick Hardly
- Dimas Aksara/Torga
- Dimitri Allen
- Doc Brown
- Doc Hopper
- Doc Samson
- Doc Saturday
- Doctor Arkeville
- Doctor Chizuru Urashima
- Doctor Frankenollie
- Doctor Giba
- Doctor Henry West (Splatterhouse 2010)
- Doctor Merlot
- Doctor Moro
- Doctor Octopus (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse)
- Doctor Poison
- Doctor Polaris
- Doctor Psycho
- Doctor René Belloq
- Doctor Sivana
- Doctor Slone
- Doctor Steel
- Doctor Von Goosewing
- Doctor Von Reichter
- Dogyun
- Doktor (Metal Gear)
- Doktor Frogg
- Dolegeal
- Don Paolo
- Donatello (2003)
- Donatello (2012)
- Doug (Zootopia)
- Douglas Davenport
- Dr Deadalus
- Dr. A. Pocalypse
- Dr. Abel
- Dr. Adams Teufel
- Dr. Albert Hirsch
- Dr. Amelia Buck
- Dr. Anna Ripley
- Dr. Armond
- Dr. Bad Boon
- Dr. Baxter Stockman
- Dr. Baxter Stockman (TMNT/Stranger Things)
- Dr. Blight
- Dr. Blood
- Dr. Blowhole
- Dr. Báthory Mengele
- Dr. Calico
- Dr. Caligosto Loboto
- Dr. Cameron
- Dr. Carl Tanner