Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Many people in the multiuniverse are insane espically a certain saidstic lunatic, but there are some who serve as a voice of reason and sanity


Lizbeth is the central sane figure of M.O.D.A.B and any team she works with being the most level headed and intelligent of the crew and not one to start fights with others.

Dib qualfies to a lesser extent as leader of M.O.D.A.B, but does have his moments more so than Lizbeth where he can go off the edge

Hunson Abadeer being Lizbeth's evil counterpart and rival fits the role very well himself and is a big reason for his success in his line of work

Lydia Lopez and Lincoln Loud are Team Free Will's most level headed and rational members of the team with their moments being not so above it all coming more prominently from each other's close friendship and protectiveness over one another.

Lalo Salmanca is the only member of Toffee's Cult who is aware of Toffee's true plans and actively works to sabotage Toffee's Disney Villains.

Lorenzo Suave is the most level headed and pratical member of The Pranks A Lot Mob, focusing on the goal over money, revenge or power.

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