"It's just entertainment, Krim. After all, I'm only experimenting on him with all sorts of pain and stimulations. I made him to look like that imbesile who refused to understand my idea. It can make me pleased!" |
Sadists are people who feel the joy of seeing their victims suffering, either physically or mentally. This kind of cruelty is also known as "Schadenfreude" (This means "we can find joy in seeing the misfortune of others". Schaden = "injury"; Freude = "Joy"), though that term generally refers to cases where the sadist derives pleasure from pain inflicted by something other than themselves.
Ingrid (Taimanin) -
Shinri Shiogami -
Assassin of Red/Semiramis (Fate/Apocrypha) -
Assassin of "Black" -
Bender Rodriguez -
Sin Archbishops -
Carl Robinson -
Noel (Melty Blood)
All items (1600)
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