Not all characters are living organic being. These beings are robots which are said to be supreiror to organic's. But in ways Robot are no better since they have human behaviour just like humans do. In this multiuniverse we certainly have a unique brand of robots. Robot kind is represented by it's most recurring robots.
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- Abandon
- Ace (20XX)
- AD-W4
- Adam (NieR:Automata)
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- Aeon (Miraculous Ladybug)
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- Alisa Bosconovitch
- Alligator Robots
- Alpha 5
- Alpha 6
- Alpha Hatsuseno
- Alphas (Dramatical Murder)
- Altair
- Alteisen
- Ambush
- AMX-003 Gaza-C
- AMX-008 Ga-Zowmn
- AMX-117L Gaz-L
- Ancient Minister
- Android 16
- Android 19
- Android 21
- Angilon
- Animatronics (Five Nights at Freddy's)
- Ant Drones
- Anti-Virus Bots
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- Aphrodite A
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- Archer Ranger
- Ares (Next Gen)
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- Armament Mecha (Super Sentai)
- Armor Knight G (Grand) Kaiser
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- Armored Armadillo
- Armored Bear
- Armstrong
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- Asgard Electronics
- Ashlotte Maedel
- Ashsaviour
- Assassin/Kato Danzou (Fate/Grand Order)
- Asteron
- Astro Boy
- ATLAS and P-body
- Atom (Real Steel)
- Aut-O
- Autobots
- Axelrod
- Axem Rangers
- Axepig
- Axl (Mega Man)
- B.O.B.
- Baby (Dragon Ball)
- Baby Magnum
- Backstreet (Beast Wars)
- Bakuraiman
- Balam Alliance - DEM Empire Enslaved Factions
- Ball Hog
- Balloon Boy
- Ballora
- Bandersnatch Drone
- Bara Micron
- Baron Bloody
- Baron Von Cavitus
- Barrelion
- Bash (Dash Dash)
- Basher Bots
- Basilisk war droid
- Bass
- Bass.Exe
- Bastion (Marvel)
- Bastion (Overwatch)
- Batbot
- Battle Caesar Robo
- Battle Droids
- Battle Magia
- Baymax
- BB-8
- BD-1
- Beachcomber
- Beast (Tobot)
- Bebes
- Ben Rodríguez
- Bender Rodriguez
- Benson
- Berkana
- Big Daddy
- Big Fuzz
- Big Trail
- Bighouse
- Bikel
- Bill (Bill and Ted)
- Bio Hunter Silva
- Bio War
- Blac Jac
- Black JuraGaon
- Black Rhimos
- Blackarachnia
- Blacktop
- Bladewolf
- Blizzard Buffalo
- Bloons Tower Defenders
- Blue Senturion
- Bluebot
- Bo (Mighty Orbots)
- Bob-omb
- Bobert
- Bohrok
- Bokkun
- Bonecrusher
- Bonn World
- Bonta-kun
- Boo (Mighty Orbots)
- Boomerang Kuwanger
- Borg Queen
- Botasaur
- Boxing World
- Brain (DC)
- Brainiac
- Brainiac (Injustice)
- Brainiac (JL/MMPR)
- Brainiac (My Adventures with Superman)
- Brainiac (Red Son)
- Brainiac 5
- Brains
- Break
- Brian Bell
- Brick Bazooka
- Browny
- Brutaka
- Buldont
- Bullfighting World
- Bumblebee (Transformers)
- Burrobot
- Buster Fury
- Buzz-Bomber
- BX-02 Blodia
- C-3PO
- C1-10P
- C4-621 (ItzBeto)
- Cactus Kong
- Caesar (Hero of Robots)
- Cait Sith
- Calculor
- Canti
- Captain Metal
- Captain Whisker
- Cardia Basirissa
- Cat Signal
- Catapult Turtle
- Caterkiller
- CH-33P
- Chadbot
- Chainclaw
- Chameleoman
- Chappie