Robosexuality and Robosexuals is the love and/or sexuality between anything human and a robot, making them robosexuals. Highly controversal, robosexual marriages were illegal in the state of [[|New Earth|New New York]] in the 3000s until the passing of Proposition Infinty in 3010. It doesn't exist but it will become problem for immortal characters who are in a realtionship with robots.
People wonder how organic's and robot's can be together because robots and organic's cannot have kids. Not that they need children or anything.
But there also those people who are coupled with Cyborgs. And since's Cyborgs are half organic they can have kids.
Another problem for them would be that robots can't die of cause's such as old age or sickness while organic's can. And the organic will be dead long before the robot. The same might be said for some Cyborgs. But dispite that they are all willing to stay together anyway, for what else is Love (with a capital L) about?
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