"I met him, fifteen years ago; I was told there was nothing left; no reason, no conscience, no understanding; and even the most rudimentary sense of life or death, of good or evil, right or wrong. I met this six-year-old child, with this blank, pale, emotionless face, and the blackest eyes...the devil's eyes. I spent eight years trying to reach him, and then another seven trying to keep him locked up because I realized that what was living behind that boy's eyes was purely and simply...evil." |
Psychopaths are villains who exhibit a constellation of antisocial personality disorder traits which include antisocial, narcissistic, and borderline behaviour, lack of ability to love or establish meaningful personal relationships and extreme egocentricity. They also do not learn from failure and take it out on others.
Psychopaths are often confused with sociopaths as both sociopaths and psychopaths feel no guilt over their actions, however, they are not synonomous. A sociopath is simply an individual who has antisocial personality disorder that mostly caused by their environment. Most sociopaths are misanthropic and see other people as tools by which to achieve their objectives or simply see them as playthings to be manipulated and molded as they see fit. Also, Sociopaths do not necessarily seek pleasure from inflicting pain and suffering upon others, but they do not feel remorse either because for them, the ends justify the crude, impersonal means. However, psychopathy is an umbrella term. There are different types of psychopaths - antisocial psychopaths, narcissistic psychopaths, and borderline psychopaths. Psychopaths have traits and characteristics that are common to the Personality disorder (dramatic, emotional or erratic disorders), Antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality disorder|, histrionic personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder.
Sociopathic traits are includes (some are similar but in lesser extent than psychopaths):
- Impulsive
- Cold
- Calculating
- Highly Intelligent
- Ruthless
- Narcisstic
- Hyporitical
- Apathetic
- Lacking in empathy/compassion
- Paranoid
- Highly manipulative
While Psychopathic traits on the other hand includes:
- Extreme egocentricity
- Lack any form of both empathy and sympathy towards others
- Highly charismatic
- Capable liars, to the point of almost never being called out
- Inability to love or establish meaningful personal relationships
- Complete disregard for the rights of others
- High intelligence
- Normally impulsive
- Is emotionally unstable and will fly into a violent rage if things start to go wrong
- Ability to manipulate others
To be classed as a psychopath, one must have at least one Cluster B personality disorder. Either borderline personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, or antisocial personality disorder. A psychopath can have all three disorders, or he/she may have two.
Psychopaths are not always killers or violent criminals, in fact many are capable businessmen and women but have a lack of remorse and do not socialize well with others,: Sociopaths (antisocials) also have a lack of remorse but their disdainful attitudes are largely an acquired trait rather than a hereditary trait.(especially in fiction).
Neither Psychopathy nor Sociopathy are accepted by modern psychiatrists yet the terms are still widely used in fiction and in the public eye. It is possible to qualify as both a psycho and sociopath, if for example, you are afflicted with antisocial personality disorder (antisocial psychopathy). Villains that qualify for both must exhibit the excessive narcissism and victim seeking pleasure of a sociopath with the cold-heartedness and cunning of a psychopath.
It should also be noted that, even though it is not uncommon for a psychopathic character to be a Complete Monster, being a psychopath is not in and itself a guarantee to be a Complete Monster.
Avenger (Fate) -
Sin Archbishops -
Sentinel Prime -
Richard Trager -
Ogata Hyakunosuke -
Ruby Hale -
The Joker (Under the Red Hood) -
Dr. Doppler
All items (884)
- Aaron Covenant
- Abeloth
- Abra Kadabra
- Adam the Clown
- Admiral Salen Kotch
- Adolf Hitler (Downfall)
- Aeon Calcos
- Aerisi Kalinoth
- Agent Abracadabra
- Agent John Garrett (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
- Agent Kruger
- Aggregor
- Ahkmou
- Ahmanet
- Ai Imari
- Aion
- Ajax (Marvel)
- Akan
- Aki Honda
- Akihiro Kurata
- Akira Takaoka
- Alex Delarge
- Alexandra
- Alfred Ashford
- Alfred Drevis
- Alistair Beldingford
- AM
- Amy Elliot-Dunne
- An'ggrath the Unbound
- Andrei Sator
- Andrew Carver
- Andrew Scott
- Andrew St. John
- Angel Eyes
- Angron
- Angus Bumby and the Dollmaker
- Anna Navarre
- Anton Arcane
- Anton Chigurh
- Apocalypse
- Apollo Flame
- Apollyon
- Aquamarine
- Araghast The Pillager
- Archangel Stratilatovich Yulanov
- Archibald Snatcher
- Arcturus Mengsk
- Arkham Knight
- Arkham Knight's Militia
- Armus
- Arnold Ernst Toht
- Artemesia (300)
- Aryana Westcott
- Arzonia Brothers
- Asha
- Atrocitus
- Ava Lord
- Avenger (Fate)
- Azog the Defiler
- Azula
- Baby (Dragon Ball)
- Baby Bonnie Hood
- Baby Doll
- Baby Firefly
- Bad Blood Predator
- Bansai Ichiyanagi
- Baron Vladimir Harkonnen
- Barry the Chopper
- Bartello
- Battletrap
- Bellatrix Lestrange
- Belphegor
- Berserker Predator
- Beverly Sutphin
- BIG Cheese
- Big Daddy (The Purge: Anarchy)
- Big Madam
- Bill The Butcher
- Bill Williamson
- Billy Grey
- Billy Loomis
- Bishop Ladja
- Biter
- Black Doom
- Black Hanekawa
- Black Hat (Villainous)
- Black Mask
- Black Walder Rivers
- Black Wolf
- Blackbeard (Pan)
- Blaze Banana
- Bloody Mary (The Wolf Among Us)
- Bobby Barrows/Scissorman
- Boodikka (Green Lantern: First Flight)
- Bowyer
- Brahms Heelshire
- Brainiac (Injustice)
- Brass Body
- Brian Banner
- Briar Cudgeon
- Brick (Borderlands)
- Brightburn
- Britt Warrick
- Bryagh
- Bubsy the Bobcat
- Buffalo Bill
- Buricko
- Cain (Robocop)
- Cajun Fox
- Caleboids
- Calendar Man
- Calibos
- Calvin Candie
- Calypso
- Captain Andrak
- Captain Chantel DuBois
- Captain Frye
- Captain Hazard (Machine Robo)
- Captain Love
- Captain Spaulding
- Captain Vidal
- Carlito Keyes
- Carlton Drake
- Carnage
- Castor Troy
- Cecil Terwilliger
- Cegorach
- Cesare Borgia
- Champ (Akame ga Kill!)
- Charles Lee
- Charlie Hewitt
- Cheng Zhi
- Chris McClean
- Chris Walker
- Christine Van Bilj (Original)
- Chucky
- Cioccolata
- Cipher (Fast and Furious)
- Ciseaux
- Claudandus
- Clay Simons
- Cluny the Scourge
- Colonel H. Stinkmeaner
- Colonel Jihl Nabaat
- Colonel Richard Strickland
- Cook-Cook
- Corone Flare
- Courtney (Total Drama)
- Cozy Glow
- Creeper (Animalia)
- Crossbones
- Cult of the Cat
- Cutter
- Cyclonus
- Cycnus
- Dahlia Hawthorne
- Dan (Dan Vs.)
- Danny St. John
- Dark Gennai
- Dark Princess
- Darla Dimple
- Darth Vitiate
- David Collins
- David Graves
- Dawn Bellwether
- Deadly Six
- Deidara
- Delanis
- Denzel Crocker
- Destiny (Justice League Dark)
- Diana Walter
- Dingodile
- Diodora Astaroth
- Dist
- Diva (Blood+)
- Djinn
- Doctor Destiny
- Doctor Frankenollie
- Doctor Henry West (Splatterhouse 2010)
- Doctor Psycho
- Doctrine Dark
- Donquixote Doflamingo
- Doomfist
- Doomguy
- Dorian Tyrell
- Double
- Doug (Zootopia)
- Douma
- Dr. Berrisford
- Dr. Boom
- Dr. Báthory Mengele
- Dr. Decker
- Dr. Doppler
- Dr. Gaul