Pawns are Characters who are tricked or uses by Villains for their scheme and plan.
Greg, Tamara, Maximilian and Blue to Peter Pan
Uka Uka and everyone but Lizbeth to Hunson Abadeer in The V Team Island Adventure and The Great Time Travel ADventure
Knuckkes, Vilgax, Pete and his allegiance to Discord
Rarity and Katara to Dr.Weil
Aleu to Mister Sinister
Haytham Kenway to Rodrigo Borgia
Grovyle to Eirik, Khorne and The Tall Man
Emperor X to Slade, Bender and The Joker at points of Slade Strikes Back and to Galvatron in LOTM Season 2
Kingpin, Johan Liebert, Darkonda, Zorg, Sylar, Controller X, Beelzeboss, and Zeus to Chakravartin
Raiko to Palpatine and Vader
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