Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

A partnership is an arrangement where parties agree to cooperate to advance their mutual interests.


Tuxedo Lovelace and Gabriel Haywood

Dib and Bubbles

Bender and his partners change a lot in every story through Skipper is his main partner in Phases 1 to 3

  • Starfire, Jorgen and Jimmy Neutron in Slade Strikes Back
  • Skipper and to a degree Starfire and Eddy in The V Team Island Adventure
  • Skipper and to a lesser degree Axel during LOTM
  • Marceline and to a degree Skipper in The Great Time Travel Adventure
  • Skipper, Twilight, Knuckles and Heloise in The Grand Summer Season Trek
  • Skipper, Heloise and Eddy in Totally Mobian Spies
  • Skipper, Heloise and Twilight for The Multiuniversal War of Destiny
  • Skipper, Heloise, Phineas, Isabella , Slade and Anti Cosmo for Legends Of Light and Darkness
  • His Main Partners as well as Discord for Lotm: Next Gen Island Tour
  • Skipper, Jimmy Neutron, Lydia, Phineas, Isabella, Slade and Rick all serve as partners in TGTTA 2 
  • Marcy Wu, Luan Loud, and Anti Cosmo serve as this for him in Phase 4

Lizbeth has her own share of partners as well with Milo, Maka, Boomer, Hunson , Linkara as well as Cassie Lang, Ren Animasya and Kate Bishop are this with her.

Phineas and Isabella

Maka Albarn and Soul Eater Evans

Black Star, Tsubaki Nakatsukasa, and Taki. Naruto Uzumaki main partners with Black Star.

Knuckles Riso changes partners:

  • Knuckles Riso, Death the Kid Liz and Patty Thompson
  • Knuckles Riso and Rainbow Dash
  • Knuckles Riso and Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Knuckles Riso and Caliburn

Crona and Ragnarok

Lord Death and Professer Franken Stein with Spirit

Professer Franken Stein and Marie Mjolnir

Blue change partners in every story

  • Magneto, Luigi and Meowth in The Grand Summer Season Trek
  • Magneto, Terra and Aleu in Knuckles and the Black Knight
  • Magneto, Terra and to a lesser degree Kratos in The Rise of Mechuckles: Beware of the Sith Stalker
  • Kratos, Knuckles and Riolu in The Wrath of God of War
  • Riolu, Ryan Mitchell, Alex and David Xanatos in Meister of War
  • Protoman, Magneto, Ozymandias and Xigbar in LOTM: Next Generation Island Tour first half. Then Cadence, Katara, Ozymandias and Magneto in the second half
  • Amber, Shane and Sora in LOTM: The New Multi-Universal War
  • Aqua, Brooklyn and Sandor in LOTM: Distant Lands

Zordon and Iroh and North with the guardians

Shade and Marina

Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph and Zuko

Luigi and Meowth

Sora, Donald and Goofy

Jack Sparrow and Joshamee Gibbs

Hellboy and Abe Sapien

Tangle and Whisper

Punisher and Rorschach

Hiccup and Astrid

Slade and Anti Cosmo with Hades and/or Celes being a 3rd person in the partnership. Harrison Wells also does this with the duo as does Bender.

Count Veger and Alec Trevalyn

Jenner and Niju and Goth

The Duke and Grant Walker

Malefor and Khan Noonien Singh and Maxim Horvath

Coyote and Wolf, Dingo, Jackal and Hyena

Giovanni and Ozai

Joe Caroll and Rugal Bernstein

Saix and Carnage

Sa'luk and Shan-Yu

Rico Dredd and Fender Tremolo, Graem Bauer and The Collector

Osmund Saddler, Miles Quaritch and Silas with N.Bison

Mitch and Galacta Knight

Lord of Darkness and Belladonna until the former betrayed her and Elder God

Discord and Obodiah Stane and Dr.Weil

Sunset Shimmer and White Wolf

BlackGarurumon and Cronus, Lord of Darkness and Evanora

Ratcliff and Calvin Candle

Phillip Bauer and Jack Welker and Clay Morrow

Niju and Katz

Hans Gruber and Noah Cross

Tyrion Lannister and Varys

Hunson Abadeer and Amon (though he did this with Lizbeth of all people when they teamed up against Discord in The Multiuniversal War of Destiny)

Twilight Sparkle with her friends Rainbow Dash Rarity Applejack Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Starlight Glimmer

Falco Lombardi and Ahsoka Tano

Sir Bendtron, Sir Birdest and Sir Gala

Riolu, Dewott, Meloetta, Servine and Mienfoo

The Shadow and Nightwing

Mister Miracle and Big Barda with Sam

Sonya Blade and Jax

John Blake and Tommy Jarvis

Patch and Collette

Scamp and Angel

Blythe Baxter, Sunil Nevla and Zoe Trent

Hugo and Rita

Jake Long and Buddy with Annie

Thorin and Tapion

Lucky, Cadpig and Rolly

Princess Sofia, Princess Amber and Prince James

Phantom Ranger and Blue Senturion

Daredevil and Hidden Phantom

Shadowness and Raiden

X, Zero and Axl. Zero also is partners with Ciel

Rotti Largo And Norman Stansfield

Dracula and Death

Rourke and Clayton

Van Kleiss and Durge

Master Chief and Arbiter

Sigma and Sketor

V and Alucard

Hans and Noob

Sonic is partner's with Tails and a lot of characters from his world and outside it.

Beelzeboss and Dennis The Hitman

Android 18, Cassandra and Samus

E-102 Gamma and Left 4 Dead Francis

Pious Augustus and Ulyaoth

Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Hoshigaki

Hidan and Kakuzu

Mechuckles and Elder God

Kratos and Deimos

Reiji and Xiamou

Tikal and Chaos Zero

Bark The Polarbear and Bean The Dynamite Duck

John Rambo and John Matrix

Agent J and Agent K

Gate (Megaman X) and Gazimon

Van Pelt, Inspector Javert, and The Colonel(Spirit)

Schrodinger and The Doctor (Hellsing)

Vrak and The Sith Stalker

Jinx, Rainbow Dash, and Amy Rose

Shinnok, Supreme King, and Shaula Gorgon

Hunson Abadeeer, Ares and Zeus

BlackWarGreymon and Arya Stark

Knuckles Riso and Rainbow Dash

Dust and Fidget (Dust: An Elysian Tail)

Castiel, Bender, Black Star and Slade are all a four people example  where it started between Slade and Bender regarding their teams, Cas and Black Star joined in through Black Pool and Next Gen Isle Tour.

Eirik the Sagittarimon and Khorne and The Tall Man

Varrick and Zhu Li

Mechuckles and Lightning Dust

Strider Hiryu and Hotsuma

Thanos and Amon (Starcraft)

Saya and Sheath

Sora and Kouga Saezima in Armageddon

Naruto Uzumaki Black Star and Sheena in Weirdmageddon.

Izuku Midoriya (Deku) and KO Weirdmageddon and Darkmageddon.

Sinestro and Atrocitus for Weirdmageddon and Darkmageddon

Felicia for Goro Majima and Kazuma Kiryu for Weirdmageddon and Darkmageddon.

Morrigan Aensland and Mike Haggar for Weirdmageddon and Darkmageddon.

Toffee and Bill Cipher

Lydia and Lincoln

Sid Chang and Lisa Loud

Sento Kiryu and Milinda Brantini

Sonic and Tails

Mario and Luigi

Jonny 2x4 and Plank

Shaggy, Scooby , Fred, Daphne and Velma

Ed, Edd and Eddy

Chip and Dale

Batman and Robin

Peter, Egon , Ray and Winston

All items (654)
