Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

"Just because something isn’t meant to last a lifetime doesn’t mean it wasn’t meant to be."
— Taylor Jenkins Reid, One True Loves


The most indomitable of  all romantic standards is the design of one specific person being the ultimate match for another. Maybe both people have everything in common and share goals together, or maybe they're the opposite of each other. Regardless this special someone is the love of their life (soulmate) and it's ultimately fate that they are meant to be.

…'Cause I found what the world is searching for

Here, right here, my dear

I don't have to look no more

And all my days

I've hoped and I've prayed

For someone just like you

Make me feel the way you do

— Barry White, "Never, Never Gonna Give Ya Up"


Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable: Both have dated other people and have had brief relationships but as the show goes on, it becomes very clear to everyone except them — both in and out of universe — that the people they're meant to be with are each other. , even they knew it, but refrained from taking the next step for their own reasons until Drakken's actions to distance them do they muster the courage.

Lincoln Loud and Lydia Lopez: While Lincoln isn't short of love interests, Lincoln feels a special connection to Lydia Lopez that he doesn't feel with other girls or his other friends and realizes that Lydia is his true love due to the bond they share. Lydia for her trouble, sees Lincoln as this as well, and IS the only boy she has ever eyes for. Despite having other close friends the opposite age, they are most comfortable around each other when it comes to being mature or acting their age. The death of Lincoln's cousin Linka was the cataylst for both characters to realize they see each other as their true love.

Spider Man/Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson

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