These characters are some of the most powerful and skilled out there. They able to take on an entire army by themselves.
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Ingrid (Taimanin) -
Berserker/Minamoto-no-Raikou (Fate/Grand Order) -
Aoi Aioi -
Assassin of Red/Semiramis (Fate/Apocrypha) -
Aori -
Mordred/Saber (Fate/Apocrypha) -
Berserker/Kriemhild (Fate/Grand Order) -
Annerose Vajra
All items (605)
- Aang
- Abaddon The Despoiler
- Abomination
- Acnologia
- Acqua of the Back
- Adam Jensen
- Admiral Akainu
- Agent Bishop
- Agent Michael Ford
- Aigis
- Ajax (Marvel)
- Akame
- Akaza
- Akeno Himejima
- Akiko Yosano
- Akiyama Rinko
- Aku
- Al Sah-him
- Alex Mercer
- Alice (Resident Evil)
- Allen Walker
- Alleyne
- Alucard (Hellsing)
- Amy Rose
- An'ggrath the Unbound
- Andie (The Nut Job)
- Angel (Buffy)
- Angel (KOF)
- Angel Dust
- Annerose Vajra
- Anri Sonohara
- Anthrax (Bastard!!)
- Aoi Aioi
- Aori
- Apollyon
- Araghast The Pillager
- Arcueid Brunestud
- Ares (DC)
- Arkham Knight
- Arlong
- Aschen Brodel
- Assassin of Red/Semiramis (Fate/Apocrypha)
- Asta
- Asterix and Obelix
- Asuka (Senran Kagura)
- Asuka Langley Soryu
- Asuka Otori
- Auditor
- Azariah Kyras
- Azariah Kyras's Chaos Space Marines
- Azura
- Azwel
- Baby (Dragon Ball)
- Baby Bonnie Hood
- Baiken
- Barago/Kiba
- Bayonetta
- Beerus
- Beorn
- Berserker/Kriemhild (Fate/Grand Order)
- Berserker/Minamoto-no-Raikou (Fate/Grand Order)
- Berserker/Mori Nagayoshi (Fate/Grand Order)
- Big Alice (Land of the Lost)
- Bizarro
- Black Raven
- Black Star
- Blackarachnia
- Blair (Soul Eater)
- Blood Ravens (Warhammer 40k)
- Blue Mary
- Boa Hancock
- Bojack
- Booker DeWitt
- Boromir
- Broly
- Bruce Banner/Hulk
- Bryagh
- Burger-Beard
- Buttercup
- Byleth
- Cabba
- Cao Cao (Dynasty Warriors)
- Captain Phasma
- Carmilla (Castlevania)
- Celerism
- Cell (Dragon Ball)
- Cell Juniors
- Chakal
- Chakravartin
- Champa
- Chane Laforet
- Chapter Master Gabriel Angelos
- Charlotte Katakuri
- Cherche
- Chrom
- Time Trapper
- Chuya Nakahara
- Claire Stanfield
- Claudette Vance
- Cole D. Walker
- Cole MacGrath
- Corvo Attano
- Corvus (Dark Seraphs)
- Cream the Rabbit
- Cyborg
- Cygnus Hyoga
- D-Messiah
- Dabi
- Daimajin
- Danzaiver/Sho Mikagami
- Dark Kahn
- Dark Lord (Ragnarok)
- Dark Lugiel
- Dark Tohka
- Darli Dagger
- Darth Sidious
- Darth Vader
- Dean Winchester
- Deathstroke (Arrow)
- Demon Towa
- Derrick Cole
- Desmond Miles
- Destoroyah
- Dido (Super Robot Wars)
- Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd
- Dizzy
- Doom Slayer
- Doomguy
- Doomsday
- Dr. Doppler
- Dr. Light (Teen Titans)
- Dracula (Dracula Untold)
- Drakken Joe
- Dust
- Gaara
- Gabriel Yulaw (The One)
- Gajeel Redfox
- Galatea (Justice League Unlimited)
- Galford D. Weller
- Garlic Jr.
- Gene Khan
- General Gaius
- General Thade
- Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka
- Ghost (Iron Man: Armored Adventures)
- Gilgamesh (Fate)
- Gilgamesh Junior
- Gill (Street Fighter)
- Gin (Fighting Tiger)
- Ginis
- Glorious Dragon
- Gods of Destruction (Dragon Ball)
- Godzilla
- Godzilla (GMK)
- Gogeta
- Goku
- Goku Black
- Gordon Freeman
- Gorgo
- Gorgutz 'Ead 'Unter
- Gray Fullbuster
- Green Goblin (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse)
- Gregor Clegane