These characters are incredibly nice... the nicest you will ever see.
They love people with a deep, spiritual love that means they will shake heaven and earth, destroy gods and planets, bring nations to their knees, etc. They will believe the best of everyone and always give someone second chances (though they will defeat the villain). They're not forgiving of harm done to others and they are extremely dangerous often when pushed too far. They are the ones who will suffer for the sins of their loved ones. Most people think they're insane, but somehow they pull it off.
These characters are the ones you can always trust. They are heavily idealistic but a few are cynical. One of the greatest examples of this is Optimus Prime who does not want anyone to be harmed. He believes anyone, even Megatron, should get a 2nd chance.
Finn (while a bit nuts at times and wants Magic Man dead) can get along with anyone who isn't completely evil and his DNA is implied to be pure in his "son." Stormo who is much like him. He also puts up greatly with the occasional moral ambiguity of Bender, Heloise, Skipper and King Julian display and will kick anyone's ass who threatens his friends. Finn is very helpful and trusting to all even The Ice King despite everything between them in the past.
Lizbeth (while very studious and a loner) is very nice to her friends, is not out for any reward to her hero work just to help others, and gives her foes a 2nd chance to change, such as Slade, Darkwarrior Duck and others, but this nice nature doesn't mean she's Harmless at all and she won't hesitate to defeat any villain that harms others she cares about, she refuses to take a person's life away with the exceptions of mercy kills and if it's necessary . And she never gives up when focused on her duties to protect, Hunson Abadeer (Marceline's dad) found this out the hard way.
Angewomon (in LOTM and POTM) prefers to walk the path of mercy and compassion, unlike others of her kind who are known to be harsh and judgemental towards their foes. She is not only extremely gentle with her loved ones, but also is known to try to reason with a difficult person and try to convince an enemy to turn away from the path of evil. Being a follower of the Eight Tenants of the Children of the Autobots, Angewomon will only fight her foes as a last resort.
Angus O'Shaughnessey was the groundskeeper of Loch Loud for a long time but his favorite thing to do was help people and acted like a surrogate uncle to the Loud Kids especially Lincoln who he took under his wing about being a good duke. Lincoln was inspired by this and passed his teaching to Lydia. He tries to reason with Morag and turn the other check despite what she did to him and the Louds and he only opposes Morag upon realizing she can't be reasoned and to protect Lincoln from her. On top of that, he always tries to help the heroes he just met with their troubles.. His kindness was the reason he ultimately became Duke of Loch Loud
Celestine Lucross -
Prim Fiorire -
Shamsiel Shahar -
Assassin/Hassan of Serenity -
Reia (Ride of the Valkyrie) -
Rider/Ushiwakamaru (Fate/Grand Order) -
June (Little Einsteins) -
Assassin/Kato Danzou (Fate/Grand Order)
All items (903)
- Aang
- Abigail (Once Upon a Forest)
- Abigail the Sorceress
- Adam and Eve (Assassin's Creed)
- Adventure DigiDestined
- Aelita Stones
- Ageha Hijiri
- Agent Coulson
- Ahiru
- Akame
- Akane Taira
- Akane Tsunemori
- Aleksandr Testov
- Aleu
- Alfred Pennyworth
- Alice Yotsuba
- Aliyah Din
- All Might (Toshinori Yagi)
- All My Heart Bear
- Allen Walker
- Alm
- Always There Bear
- Alyssa Hamilton
- America Cares Bear
- Amigo Bear
- Amitie
- Andie (The Nut Job)
- Andrew Ender Wiggin
- Angel (Disney)
- Angewomon
- Angus O'Shaughnessey
- Anila
- Annabelle
- Anne Knolles
- Anne Lewis
- Annie (Little Einsteins)
- Anri Sonohara
- Aoi Asahina
- Appa
- Ashley Hammond
- Ashlotte Maedel
- Aslan
- Assassin/Hassan of Serenity
- Assassin/Kato Danzou (Fate/Grand Order)
- Asuka (Senran Kagura)
- Atsushi Nakajima
- Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)
- Aurora Pekkanen
- Azulongmon
- B-Dawg
- Bacon (Zoids)
- Bad Cop/Good Cop
- Bahamut (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Bambi
- Baptiste
- Barbie
- Bashful Heart Bear
- Bastion (Overwatch)
- Baymax
- BB-8
- Bedtime Bear
- Belle (Disney)
- Berlioz
- Bernadet
- Bertie The Bus
- Best Friend Bear
- Betty Cooper
- Bibleman
- Big the Cat
- Birthday Bear
- Blair (Soul Eater)
- Blue (Blue's Clues)
- Blue Eyes
- Blue Mary
- Bluestreak (Transformers)
- Blythe Baxter
- Bob The Tomato
- Bolt
- Boomer Jojo
- Booster (Buzz Lightyear)
- Brainy Barker
- Bram Vasile
- Brave Heart Lion
- Brian Griffin
- Bridgette (Total Drama)
- Bright Heart Raccoon
- Brionne
- Brock (Pokemon)
- Brutter
- Bubbles (Powerpuff Girls)
- Buddha
- Bunk Bed Junction
- Butters
- C.A. Cupid
- Cadpig
- Caitlin Cooke
- Calming Heart Bear
- Cam Watanabe
- Captain America
- Captain Falcon
- Captain Planet
- Captain Toad (Mario)
- Captain William Mitchell
- Carter Grayson
- Casper the Friendly Ghost
- Cassie Pixiehead
- Celebi
- Celestial Digimon
- Celestine Lucross
- Celica Arfonia
- Champ Bear
- Chansey
- Charlotte Aulin
- Charlotte Morningstar
- Charmer (The Animals of Farthing Wood)
- Chase Davenport
- Chase Randall
- Cheer Bear
- Chef (South Park)
- Cherche
- Cherubimon (Good)
- Chiaki Nanami
- Chitose Karasuma (Girlish Number)
- Chris Yukine
- Christine Anderson
- Christmas Wishes Bear
- Christopher Robin
- Chrom
- Chōji Akimichi
- Ciel (Megaman)
- Cinderella
- Cinnamon
- Claire (Fundamental Paper Education)
- Clank
- Clarice (Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer)
- Classic Tails
- Clay
- Coco (Pretty Cure)
- Codsworth
- Colette Brunel
- Collette
- Coloratura
- Comfey
- Conner McKnight
- Connor
- Cozy Heart Penguin
- Cream the Rabbit
- Crona
- Crysta
- Cyblade
- Cynthia (Pokemon)
- Daciana Vlad
- Daniel Tiger
- Darcy Raven
- Dark Magician Girl
- Darwin Watterson
- David Lancer
- David the Sage-Knight of Disney
- Davos Seaworth
- Daydream Bear
- Deet (The Dark Crystal)
- Delbert the La Choy Dragon
- Dennis Loughran
- Derek Stiles
- Dhalsim
- Diantha
- Dieter Haddenbaum
- DigiDestined
- Dimitria
- Dizzy
- Djeeta
- Do-Your-Best Bear
- Doamna Bucurie
- Dog (Half-Life)
- Dolly
- Dorats
- Dorulumon
- Dr. Stewart
- Dr. Thomas Light
- Dr. Zoidberg
- Dragonite
- Dream Bright Bear
- Duck (Thomas the Tank Engine)