All mystical creatures such as unicorns, fairies, pixies and anti-fairies exist here, and we definitely have some quirky ones.
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- AncientGarurumon
- AncientGreymon
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- AncientVolcanomon
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- Avatar Skeith, the Terror of Death
- AxeKnightmon
- Axew
- Aye-aye spirit
- Azelf
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- Backlash (Monsuno)
- Bagon
- Bahamut (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Bahamut SIN
- Bahus
- Baihumon
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- Baltoy
- Bancho (Digimon)
- Banehallow-Lycanthrope
- Banette
- Banshee (Gargoyles)
- Barbamon
- Barbaracle
- Barboach
- Barley Lightfoot
- Baromon
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- Basculin
- Bashful (The 7D)
- Bastiodon
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- Beastmon
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- Bellsprout
- Belphemon
- Bergmite
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- Bibarel
- Bidoof
- Binacle
- Bisharp
- Biyomon
- Blacephalon
- Black Dragon (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Black Rose Dragon
- Black Volga (Russian Folklore)
- BlackGarurumon (Digimon)
- BlackMetalGreymon
- BlackWarGreymon
- Blaize Skysong
- Blastmon
- Blastoise
- Blipbug
- Blissey
- BlitzGreymon
- Blitzle
- Blothgar
- Blue-Eyes White Dragon
- Bluefur
- Bokomon
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- Boltund
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- Boogeyman (standard)
- Borra
- Boudicca
- Bouffalant
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- Brachiomon
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- Bronzor
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- Bulk Biceps
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- Buster Blader
- Buster Whelp of the Destruction Swordsman
- Butterfree
- Buzzwole