"We were each born with a gift that normal humans weren't. Whatever they think of us it is our duty to use those gifts to protect humanity." |
In biology and especially genetics, a mutant is an organism or a new genetic character arising or resulting from an instance of mutation, which is a base-pair sequence change within the DNA of a gene or chromosome of an organism. The natural occurrence of genetic mutations is integral to the process of evolution. The study of mutants is an integral part of biology; by understanding the effect that a mutation in a gene has, it is possible to establish the normal function of that gene.
Mutants are beings either born with or given superhuman abilities not normally native to their own race. Mutants are especially popular in Marvel (but by no means exclusive to that setting).
All items (609)
- A-Train
- Abomination
- Abomination (Marvel Animated Universe)
- Adjule (Resident Evil)
- ADVENT Trooper
- Ajax (Marvel)
- Alan Sylvasta
- Albert Michaels
- Albina
- Alcina Dimitrescu
- Alex Mercer
- Allen Walker
- Alpha (Men In Black)
- Amadeus K. Dorssia
- Ambassador Darkness
- Ambassador Hell
- Anagmas
- Andrew Detmer
- Angel (X-Men)
- Angstrom Levy
- Anguirus
- Annie Leonhart
- Anomalocaris Dopant
- Antrax(TMNT-80)
- Anya Corazon
- Apocalypse
- Appelox
- Arachnitor
- Arahabaki Prototypes
- Arakune (Blazblue)
- Arlen Crane
- Armadillo (Marvel)
- Armageddemon
- Aryana Westcott
- Asta
- Atalan Jackal
- Autilon Skorr
- Avalanche
- Avatar (XCOM 2)
- Azazel
- Azul the Cerulean
- Baby (Dragon Ball)
- Baby Zilla
- Baby Zillas
- Banshee
- Baraka
- Barillian Bug Monsters
- Baron Ashura
- Baron Bedlam
- Baron Draxum
- Baron Fang
- Baron Spider
- Baron Triumph
- Baxter Stockman (2012 series)
- Beast (Marvel)
- Beast Soldier
- Bebop
- Belial Bradley
- Ben Reilly
- Benny (Total Recall)
- Berg Katse
- Bianfu Bo
- Biff Tannen
- Bigs
- Biollante
- Bitorez Mendez
- Black Lake Crocodiles
- Blacktip Deinonychus
- Blackwolf
- Blair (Soul Eater)
- Bluefur
- Boa Hancock
- Bobo Haha
- Bogun
- Bones Jackson
- Brian Banner
- Bruce Banner/Hulk
- Brute
- Brzak
- Bugger
- Bullhop
- Burner Bat
- Caesar Clown
- Cannon Buffalo
- Cannonball
- Captain Basilisx
- Captain Plunder
- Carl Robinson
- Cassandra Lang
- Cassandra Nova
- Cave cricket (Fallout 76)
- Chain-Sickle Ladybug
- Chariot
- Chelnov
- Chris Bradford/Dogpound/Rahzar
- Christine Van Bilj (Original)
- Clammando
- Clare
- Cobrato
- Colossus (X-Men)
- Contagion (Marvel)
- Crash Bandicoot
- Crawler Zombie
- Crita
- Cyblade
- Cyclops
- Cypher (Beware the Batman)
- Daisy Johnson
- Daleks
- Darantulas
- Dark Beast
- Dark Turtles
- Deadpool
- Deathclaw
- Deathwing
- Defenders of Dynatron City
- Derek (Milo Murphy's Law)
- Destoroyah
- Dingo (Sonic Underground)
- Dingodile
- Director Kakuzawa
- Dizzy
- Dobkeratops
- Doctor Merlot
- Doctor Shinigami
- Dogora
- Doktor G
- Domino (Marvel)
- Donatello (2003)
- Donatello (2012)
- Donatello (2018)
- Donatello (standard)
- Donkeyvac
- Dr. Cameron
- Dr. Cockroach
- Dr. Hell
- Dr. Kelly Nieman
- Dr. Neugog
- Dr. Paradigm/Piranoid
- Dr. Viper
- Dr. Wallace Breen
- Dr. Zachary Smith
- Dr. Zalost
- Dragon Orphnoch/Kamen Rider Delta
- Drakon Prosecutor/Chaos
- Dreadknight
- Drill Mole
- Duke Nukem (Captain Planet)