"Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact… same fucking thing… over and over again, expecting… shit to change. That… is crazy; but the first time somebody told me that…I dunno, I thought they were bullshitting me, so boom – I shot him. The thing is, okay… He was right. And then I started seeing: everywhere I looked, everywhere I looked, all these fucking pricks, everywhere I looked, doing the exact same fucking thing… over and over and over and over again thinking: “This time, it’s gonna be different; no, no, no, no, no, please… This time it’s gonna be different.” …I am sorry, I don’t like the way you are looking at me… Okay, do you have a fucking problem in your head? Do you think I am bullshitting you? Do you think I am lying? Fuck you! Okay? FUCK. YOU! It’s okay, man. I’m gonna chill, hermano. I’m gonna chill… The thing is… alright, the thing is: I killed you once already… and it’s not like I am fucking crazy. It’s okay… It’s like water under the bridge. Did I ever tell you the definition… of insanity?"" |
This category is for any villain who has any type of psychological disorder and can be deemed as mentally unstable or any villain suffering from mental disorders such as schizophrenia and psychosis. In addition, a villain who is perfectly coherent and stable can still be qualified as mentally ill if the evil deeds they perform are extremely fiendish. The reason being is that no sane individual would think it acceptable to take villainy to the degree that they do. These characters are usually also very tragic, since a trait of being mentally unstable is being unable to tell right from wrong, examples of which include Eddie Gluskin, most Yanderes and Azula. Nevertheless, some can also be Complete Monster such as the Joker, Eckidina KnightWalker , Yuuki Terumi , Immortan Joe, Hoyt Volker, Mana Ouma, and Zant.
Note: Not all villains are mentally unstable when they first appear. While some are, others who were sane to begin with suffer experiences that causes their sanity to snap like Andrew Detmer and Lucy. The primary causes for this are prolonged abuse and humiliation. A severe enough degree of fear can do it too but less commonly. Also if a villain is an Egomaniac or a Spoiled Brat then not being the best at something, having their opinions/desires challanged or not getting their own way can cause a mental snap.
Angelina Meyer -
Sentinel Prime -
The Shadow (Fate/Stay Night) -
Richard Trager -
The Joker (Under the Red Hood) -
Vira Hermes -
AM -
Shion Sonozaki
All items (544)
- Adam the Clown
- Admiral Akainu
- Adolf Hitler (Downfall)
- Aerisi Kalinoth
- Aerisi Kalinoth (CIS Productions)
- Agatha Night
- Agent Abracadabra
- Ahkmou
- Aki Honda
- Akihiko Kayaba
- Akihiro Kurata
- Akira Takaoka
- Akrak Couteau
- Alex Delarge
- Alexandra
- Alfred Ashford
- Alister Azimuth
- Aloysius Animo
- AM
- An'ggrath the Unbound
- Andrew Detmer
- Andrew Scott
- Andrew St. John
- Angelina Meyer
- Angron
- Annie Wilkes
- Araghast The Pillager
- Arch Druidness
- Arkham Knight
- Armstrong
- Armus
- Aryana Westcott
- Arzonia Brothers
- Asha
- AskThatGuy
- Atris
- Audrey (Descendants)
- Awful Alvin
- Azariah Kyras
- Azariah Kyras's Chaos Space Marines
- Azula
- Baby Bonnie Hood
- Baby Firefly
- Baldur
- Baron Praxis
- Baron Vladimir Harkonnen
- Bartello
- Batman Clone
- Beauty and the Beast Unit
- Beelzeboss
- Beetlejuice
- Bendy (Bendy and the Ink Machine)
- Berry
- BIG Cheese
- Big Daddy (The Purge: Anarchy)
- Bill Cipher
- Bill The Butcher
- Billy Grey
- Biter
- Bizarro
- Black Hanekawa
- Black Wolf
- Blaze Banana
- Blitzwing
- Blood Falcon
- Bloodsport
- Booster (Mario)
- Brenda St. John
- Brian Banner
- Broly
- Buffalo Bill
- Cajun Fox
- Callisto
- Captain Lincoln F. Sternn
- Captain Love
- Captain Rhodes
- Captain Ruthven
- Carissa
- Carl Nesmith
- Carrie White
- Cegorach
- Charles zi Britannia
- Charlie Hewitt
- Cheng Zhi
- Chester V
- Chief Inspector Charles Dreyfus
- Chinatsu
- Cioccolata
- Cipher (Fast and Furious)
- Colin Van Bilj
- Colonel Augustus Autumn
- Colonel H. Stinkmeaner
- Colonel Ike Sloan
- Corone Flare
- Courtney (Total Drama)
- Creeper (Animalia)
- Crnobog
- Crow Faux
- Cyclonus
- Cycnus
- Cypher Albar
- Dabi
- Dagur the Deranged
- Dahlia Hawthorne
- Daniel Cross
- Danny St. John
- Dante (Fullmetal Alchemist)
- Dark Arzonia
- Dark Origami
- Dark Samus
- Darkonda
- Darla Dimple
- Darth Vitiate
- Dawn Bellwether
- Deadly Six
- Denzel Crocker
- Dimentio
- Dingodile
- Diodora Astaroth
- Doctor Frankenollie
- Does Bad Things Guy
- Dolores Jane Umbridge
- Donquixote Doflamingo
- Double
- Dr. Calico
- Dr. Doppler
- Dr. Finitevus
- Dr. Hans Reinhardt
- Dr. Huey Emmerich
- Dr. Insano
- Dr. Killjoy
- Dr. Nefarious
- Dr. Nuvo Vindi
- Dr. Raichi
- Dr. Regal
- Dr. Shinkuro Isaka (Kamen Rider W)
- Dr. Wallace Breen
- Dr. Zed
- Dr. Ziggurat
- Drago Bludvist
- Dreadbot
- Drip Tiberius Rat
- Dukat
- Durge
- Duxton Chevalier
- Earl of Lemongrab
- Eddie Gluskin
- Eddie Kim
- Edward Braddock
- Efreet Feuer
- Elijah Price
- Eliphas The Inheritor (Word Bearer)
- Eliphas' Chaos Forces
- Elise "The Eternal Envy"
- Entisrich
- Eric Cartman
- Ernesto de la Cruz
- Erol
- Esther Coleman
- Euron Greyjoy
- Evan the Clown