Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

The Major Characters of Return of the Weirdmageddon Cult

. Marcy Wu is the deuteragonist of the storyline behind Lydia, Lincoln and Ford Pines and takes an active role through the story leading Luz, Anne, Crickey Green, Eda, King and Sprig against The Weridmageon Cult. Picking up Sid on the way and joining forces with Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harrison Wells in the backhalf of the story

. Sid Chang is the trigaonist of the storyline due to her separation arc from Team Free Will in Chapters 3 to 5 and still is set to play a major role with King

. Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harrison Wells and Luan all play a major part in helping Marcy Wu and King Andrias against Toffee as they have dealt with him piror and They do their own thing when Marcy Wu is with Team Free Will to assist her

. NOS-4A2, Mandarin, Chip Whistler, Grime, Sasha Wayblight, Lord Dominator and Morag are the major villains with the most focus after Toffee and Bill Cipher.

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