Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki


Fullpony ninja main villains by hamon240-d5tqsy8

Baddest of the bad, The overriding threats these villains are the most dangerous, unique or final villains faced in arcs. Some arcs have more than one villain but whoever the current villain acting as villain may belong here too

Other stuff to consider[]

Main Villain Duumvirate: This is where 2 characters work together and both are the main villain in their own ways.

Main Villain Ensembles: This is where more than one main villain is in the story, but these villains don't work together. They may not know of the other or may be opposing each other just like the other heroes.


  • Slade, Anti Cosmo and to a lesser extent The Joker were the Main Villains of The Beginning
  • The Joker was the main villain again in Slade Strikes Back as Slade and Anti Cosmo abandoned their revenge plan to get Joker
  • Hunson Abadeer was the true villain of The V Team Island Adventure, but Uka Uka was the overacting villain until MD showed up
  • Hunson Abadeer, The Joker, Darkwarrior Duck and Alt Doof were the main villains of The Great Time Travel Adventure with MD as the leader again
  • Vilgax was the main villain of The Great Summer Season Trek until the end where he was betrayed by the true villain being Discord his own right hand man
  • Megatron is the overall main villain of Legends of the Multi-Universe (Menslady's story), although Joker, the Master, Albert Wesker and Jack Of Blades all had runs being this one way or another under his employment.
  • Dr. Doppler was the true main villain of The limited nightmare crisis having manipulated Gate and Wesker into doing his bidding to create a powerfull new virus that could infect anybody into becoming his slave, besides that he has been a thorn on the side of the Hunters for years being their main adversary in many occasions.
  • Merida was the villain of Knuckles and the Black Knight
  • Iron Queen is the main villain of Totally Mobian Spies until Terrance Lewis and Discord are revealed as the real villains. Terrance Lewis being the man behind the operations and Discord as he caused most of the trouble and Terrance was a member of his league
  • Fatman Was The Main Villain In P Team And Miracle Elite Heroes vs. Fatman or Malachite's Forces, But He is Betrayed and Killed By The True Villain, Malachite.
  • Malachite,Weegee,Ancient Minister,and Erazor Djinn(Well He Maybe The Leader of Third In Command) Are The Main Villain In P Team and Miracle Elite Heroes Vs Malachite's Empire,However the REAL True Villain of Mastermind to kill Other Villain is Revealed to be Galactus.
  • Galactus, Demise, and Zeus Are The Overall P team's Adventures Main Villains ,although King Aurther,Merlina,Vamp,Fatman,and Malachite were the Earliest Main Villain before Galactus,Demise,and Zeus Came.
  • Demise, Zeus, Galactus, and Stryker Are the Main Antagonist of To Crossover Flee,Mostly Zeus and to a degree Stryker.
  • Dormammu is a main villain in Tuxedo Lovelace vs. Dormammu and Tuxedo Lovelace vs. CarnEvil before Big Cheese came. Dormammu is also overall main villain of The Miracle Elite Adventures. Although Dormammu is a first villain, BIG Cheese is second, Izaya is third, Phantom Blot is fourth, Pandora as fifth, Hirudegarn as sixth, and Morpheus as seventh. Which include Selim Bradley and Duskmon as eighth. In addition, Marik Ishtar, Red Skull, V.V. Argost, Cthulhu, and Nekron were part of main villains of other stories.
  • The Multi-Universal War of Destiny will have 2 main villains in Old villain Discord and new comer Sigma. The situations will be the Heroes Vs Discord Vs Sigma. Until Distragredy Within, where Discord cements himself as the main villain and Sigma is reduced to secondary villain and Dr. Weil as Discord's partner

  • Malefor is the main villain of Legends of Light and Darkness. He was the solo main villain for the prologue, Act 1, Act 2 and Act 3. As of Act 4, Darkseid and Malefor share the role of the main villain with their own distinct goals. Dr. Weil joins in at the end of Act 5 and then Hazama who takes the role of the real villain who works with Relius Clover and fresh hero turned villain Sari.

  • Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Helios, Hermes, Hercules, Gaia, Cronos, Beelzeboss, Johan Liebert, King Shadow, Kingpin, Gus Fring, Darkonda, Evil James Woods, Zorg, Zavok and the Deadly Six, Sylar, Lucifer (Dante's Inferno), Controller X, Mecha Sonic  are the Main villain of Meister of War
  • Ra's Al Ghul, Wicked Witch, Shinnok and Katherine for The Legend of Maka Albarn till Lord Tirek, Alduin, and Metal Sonic came in.

  • BlackGarurumon, Minster Sinister and Jesse with Garret Bobby Furgerson Sr for LOTM: Next Gen Island Tour in the first half. BlackGarurumon stays in the role but is joined by Loki , Albert Wesker, The Smoking Man, Dukat with Crowley and Peter Pan.

  • Haythem Kenway and Anarky for Blackpool for the 1st half with the Borgia family taking up the mantle in another ensemble with Rodirgo and Cesare. Ganondorf and Dark Lord also took over as the second half main villains.

  • Senator Armstrong and Darth Sion for The Final Stand

  • Eobard Thawne for The Multiversal Reversing Adventure

  • Lucifer Langdon, Isaac Kanda, BAcht, Shindai Siblings in Crossover War Heroes Series

  • Gunther Prozen in Crossover War Heroes: Iron-Blooded Kid Warriors

  • Sima Yi (Legend Heroes) in Crossover War Heroes: Rise of the Legendary Heroes and the Fall of Millenniummon's Zoalord Empire

  • Toffee and Bill Cipher for Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult

  • Morag for To Live and/or Die In Loch Loud

  • The Smoking Man for both Team Free Will: Disassembled and Countdown to Chang's Guide to The Galaxy

  • The Prankster for The Prankster Point Paradox

  • Emperor Belos and Henry Creel for Chang's Guide To The Galaxy

  • Kostas Becker and Death for Anglesmith Origins

  • Solider Boy, Lord Commander, Raven Beak, Dark Arrow, Don Eladio and Eobard Thawne all have turns at this in Chronicles of Zaragoza

  • Kang for The Bad Guys and The Boys

  • Freakshow for The Greatest Universal Horror Show of Circus Gothica

  • Frank Underwood for War of The Streams and House of Disenchanted Cards

  • Dr Nefarious Tropy and his alternate counterpart for Streamverse and En.Tropized with The Spot as a secondary villain in the former and Victoria Neuman in the latter

  • Milton Midas and Solider Boy for Double Life Emerged

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