Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Sola main characters

"Despite the natural belittling of one's self, the doubts, the insecurities, we have to wake up to the realisation that we all write our own autobiography, we are the authors of our life story. Realising that, write a good story with your life and make sure to write yourself as the protagonist. Be the hero of your journey."
— Yossi Ghinsberg

This Articles follows the primary characters heroes and villains like. The ones who drive a vast majority of the plot. There are many if I am believed.


  • Dib, Bubbles, Anti Cosmo and Slade were the main characters of The Beginning.
  • Dib, Bender, Lizbeth, Emperor X, Slade, Starfire, Anti Cosmo and The Joker were the main characters of Slade Strikes Back.
  • Bender, Eddy, Skipper, Starfire, Marceline, Negaduck, Lara Su, Lizbeth and Scourge were the main characters of The V Team Island Adventure
  • Lizbeth and Hunson Abadeer for The Great Time Travel Adventure.
  • Bender, Skipper, Heloise, Twilight Sparkle, Captain Knuckles and Discord for The Grand Summer Season Trek
  • Fiona, Lara Su, Lien Da, Wave, Lizbeth, Edd, Bender, Eddy, Skipper and Heloise for Totally Mobian Spies
  • Emperor X for the Anime Empire timeline
  • Johnathan Tangelo for the HailFire Empire timeline
  • Angewomon and Myotismon for the Legends of the Multi-Universe time series
  • Dib, Bender, Lizbeth, Skipper, Heloise, Captain Knuckles, Maka Albarn, Hunson Abadeer Discord, Sigma, V, Alucard, Zero, Dr. Weil and Ciel for The Multi-Universal War of Destiny
  • Maka, Kratos, Knuckles Riso, Starkilller, Scorpion, Crugger, Android 18, V, Alucard, Lizbeth, Zero, Ciel, Linkara, Samus, Cassandra and Deimos for The Rise of Mechuckles: Beware of the Sith Stalker
  • Ares, Lizbeth and Maka for The Wrath of God of War Rises
  • Bender, Skipper, Heloise, Phineas, Isabella, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Axel, Angry Video Game Nerd, Axl, Alie, Jack Frost, Malefor, Darkseid,  Hazama, Hiccup, Astrid and Zuko for Legends of Light and Darkness.
  • Maka Albarn, Lizbeth, Angewomon and Unicron for LOTM: Darkness Incarnate
  • Isabella Garcia Shapiro, Bender, Skipper, Heloise, Phineas Flynn,  Suede, Jack Bauer, Twilight Sparkle, Gohan, Death the Kid, Blue, Dr.Strange, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Discord, Mr.Gold, Sora, Princess Anna, BlackGarurumon, Mister Sinster ,Jesse, Rose, Tony Aimelda, Katara, Casper, Wendy the Little Witch, May, Castiel, Princess Cadence, Makoto, Loki, Albert Wesker, Gul Duakt, Crowley, Peter Pan, Hook, Anarky and The Smoking Man for LOTM: Next Gen Island Tour
  • Black Star, Tsubaki, Taki, Connor,Ezio,Death the Kid, Bender, Slade Haytham Kenway, Charles Lee,White Star,Morpheus(God of War), Rodrigo Borgia, Cesare Borgia, Ganondorf, Dark Lord and Al Mualim in Blackpool
  • Lizbeth, V, Alucard, Zero, Ciel, Linkara, Garak, Tavern, Patch, Riolu, Senator Armstrong, Darth Sion, Boomer for The Final Stand
  • Maka, Lizbeth, Boomer, Knuckles Riso, Ra's Al Ghul, Crona, Ares, Hunson Abadeer, Mario and Luigi (Stupid Mario Brothers) and Edward Kenway for The Legend of Maka Albarn
  • Maka Albarn and Zeus in Meister of War
  • Bender, Skipper, Starfire, Phineas, Isabella, Jimmy Neutron, Lydia, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Discord, Rick Sanchez, Harry Wells, Rip Hunter, Eobard Thawne, Deathstroke, The Joker, Dr.Alchemy Scott, Steven Universe and Lincoln Loud for TGTTA 2: The Multiversal Reversing Adventure
  • Lydia Lopez, Lincoln Loud, Ford Pines, Toffee, Bill Cipher, Cleo, Amanda, Rick Sanchez and Luz Nocada for Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult
  • Lincoln Loud, Lydia Lopez and Morag for To Live/And or Die in Loch Loud
  • Boomer, Bender, Dib, Bubbles, Luan Loud, Anti Cosmo and Lizbeth for Multiversal Noir
  • Ford Pines, Anne Boonchuy, Luz Noceda and King for The Unown Threat
  • Lydia Lopez, Lincoln Loud, Ford Pines, Amanda Payne, Cleo Setori, Luz Noceda, Anne Boonchuy, Sid Chang, Bruce Wayne, Larke Tanner, Deathstroke, and Omni Man for Team Free Will: Disassembled
  • Marcy Wu, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Harrison Wells, Cricket Green, Wile E Coyote, Cleo Sub Prime, King Andrias and The Prankster in The Prankster Point Paradox
  • Lincoln Loud, Lydia Lopez, Truman X, Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, Bender, Luan Loud, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harrison Wells, Deathstroke, Omni Man, Spider Gwen, The Smoking Man and Homelander for Countdown in Chang's Guide To The Galaxy
  • Sid Chang, Lincoln Loud, Lydia Lopez, Ford Pines, Luz Noceda, Marcy Wu, Hilda, Eclpisa, Emperor Belos, Mina Loveberry, Vecna, Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo for Chang's Guide To The Galaxy
  • Luigi Latorre, Pulsemon, Marky Urameshi, Ralph de Leon, Sayaka Kanda, Terence Tamiel, Evelyn Yeoh, Katherine Sekine, Sento Kiryu/Kamen Rider Build, Milinda Brantini, Hinako Shirai, Futaba Ichinose (Sore ga Seiyū!), Rin Kohana, and Ichigo Moesaki in Crossover War Heroes Series
  • Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Luan Loud for Anglesmith Orgins with Harry Wells, Wile E Coyote, Bean, Captain Hero, Becker and The Wolf being the secondary main characters
  • Bender, Slade, Luan, Anti Cosmo, Harry Wells, Wile E Coyote, Stan Marsh, Deathstroke Wilson, Professor Chang, Dee Dee and Milton Midas for Double Life Remergence
  • Lizbeth/Eliza, Cassie Lang, Joker (Persona 5), Kate Bishop, Kelly, Solider Boy, Lord Commander, Ann Takamaki, Ryuji Sakamoto, Raven Beak, Luan Loud, Balthazar Cavendish, Vinnie Dakota and Dark Arrow of Chronicles of Zaragoza
  • Mr.Wolf, Hughie Campbell, Mr.Snake, Billy Butcher, Starlight, Betty Barnett, Deathstroke, Dana Scully, Fox Mulder, Kang The Conqueror and Mark Grayson for The Bad Guys and The Boys
  • Lydia Lopez, Lincoln Loud, Marcy Wu, Molly Mcgee, Scratch Mcgee, Libby Stein, Cricket Green, Hailey Banks,Freakshow, Truman X and Dawn for Perlude To G.U.H.S.O.C.G/Greatest Universal Horror Show of Circus Gothica
  • Peacemaker, Eleven, Wednesday Adams, George Beard, Harold Hutchins, Bean Grunkwitz, Stan Marsh, Ignacio Varga, Spider-Punk, Frank Underwood, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Bender, Wile E Coyote, Mop Girl and Deathstroke for War Of The Streams/House of Disenchantment Cards
  • Lincoln Loud, Lydia Lopez, Hilda, Peacemaker, Eleven, Wednesday Addams, Hobie Brown, The Spot , Dr.Nefarious Tropy (Alternate) and Will Robinson For Streamverse
  • Lydia Lopez, Lincoln Loud, Bender, Anti Cosmo, Victoria Neuman, Dr.Nefarious Trophy, Will Robinson, Amy Santiago, Ford Pines, Sid Chang, Anne Boonchuy, Scratch Mcgee, Peacemaker, Eleven, Wednesday Addams, Jake Perlaita, Luan Loud, Wile E Coyote, Marcy Wu, Slade Wilson, Harry Wells, Hughie Campbell, Billy Butcher and Starlight from Book 1 of En.Tropized

All items (797)
