A machine (or mechanical device) is a mechanical structure that uses power to apply forces and control movement to perform an intended action. Machines can be driven by animals and people, by natural forces such as wind and water, and by chemical, thermal, or electrical power, and include a system of mechanisms that shape the actuator input to achieve a specific application of output forces and movement. They can also include computers and sensors that monitor performance and plan movement, often called mechanical systems.
Renaissance natural philosophers identified six simple machines which were the elementary devices that put a load into motion, and calculated the ratio of output force to input force, known today as mechanical advantage.
Modern machines are complex systems that consist of structural elements, mechanisms and control components and include interfaces for convenient use.
Glamrock Chica -
Atom (Real Steel) -
Montgomery Gator -
Millie (Thomas and Friends) -
Hashmal (Gundam) -
Radio the Radio -
Noisy Boy
All items (386)
- Abandon
- Ace (DinoTrux)
- Aigis
- Albino
- Algos
- Alien Stingers
- Alteisen
- Ambush
- Angilon
- Ankyrox
- Aquabot
- Arc Gurren Lagann
- Ark (Kamen Rider)
- Arry and Bert
- ARX-8 Laevatein
- ASW-G-08 Gundam Barbatos
- ASW-G-08 Gundam Barbatos Lupus Rex
- ASW-G-32 Gundam Asmodeus
- ASW-G-35 Gundam Hajiroboshi
- ASW-G-48 Gundam Haagenti
- ASW-G-64 Gundam Flauros (Ryusei-Go)
- ASW-G-66 Gundam Kimaris
- ASW-G-66 Gundam Kimaris Vidar
- Atom (Real Steel)
- Axelrod
- Cannon Bull
- Cannon Tortoise
- Caroline (Thomas the Tank Engine)
- Catalga
- CBS-742 Ptolemaios 2 Kai
- Charlie The Purple Engine
- Chimera Zord
- Chopper Zord
- Christine (Stephen King)
- Clank
- Click-Clack
- Clown
- Combattler V
- Combine Gunship
- Combo Lord
- Cyber Dropships (Mondas)
- Cybuster
- Dai-Apolon
- Dancing Robots
- Darcy (Thomas & Friends)
- Dark Gundam/Devil Gundam
- Deadly Kong
- Death Rex
- Death Saurer
- Dekalt Dragon
- DeLorean Time Machine
- Demons Head
- Diesel (Thomas & Friends)
- Diesel 10
- Diloforce
- Dilofos
- Dimetroptera
- Diplo Guns
- Dispelow
- Dodge Viper SRT-10 Coupe
- Dozer (DinoTrux)
- Dragonzord
- Dragozord
- Drei Panther
- Duel Disk
- Duel Runner
- Gairyuki
- Ganbaruger
- Gannontoise
- Garby (DinoTrux)
- Gatling Fox
- Gear Fighter Dendoh
- Gender-Bender
- Genesic Gaogaigar
- Geno Breaker
- Geno Saurer
- Genospino
- Getter Robo G
- Giganto
- Giger
- Gilraptor
- Gilraptor (Commander)
- Gilraptor LC
- Glamrock Chica
- Glamrock Freddy
- GNT-0000/FS 00 Qan[T]
- Gojulas Giga
- Golett
- Golurk
- Gordon The Big Engine
- Grachiosaurus
- Gravity Rex
- Great Fox
- Greenman
- Grendizer
- Gridlock
- Grounchar
- Guido (Cars)
- Gun Tiger
- Gundam Gusion Rebake Full City
- Gusock
- Hank (Thomas the Tank Engine)
- Happy Toyz Truck
- Harold The Helicopter
- Harvey (Thomas the Tank Engine)
- Hashmal (Gundam)
- Hayate Liger
- Hee-Haw
- Henry The Green Engine
- Herky
- Hong Mei
- Huckebein
- Huckebein 30
- Huckebein EX
- Huckebein Mk-II
- Hunter Wolf
- Hunter Wolf HKWS1
- Hunter Wolf HKWS2
- Hurricane (Thomas & Friends)
- Hydrofoil
- Hōraiō (Ninja Senshi Tobikage)