"No! No, you behave like this and we become just... savages in the street! The juries and executioners, they elect themselves! No, it is medieval! The rule of law, it must be held high! And if it falls, you pick it up and hold it even higher! For all of society, all civilized people will have nothing to shelter them if it is destroyed!" |
A Lawful Good character believes in a code of conduct — be it a personal one or a set of laws —, and that an ideal world comes from promoting this dualism of structure and benevolence. They believe the best way is to have a specific, strict code of conduct, whether self-imposed or codified as a law. Their first impulse when making a moral decision is to refer back to this code; those with externally imposed systems (codes of laws, hierarchies, etc.) will try to work within the system when those systems go wrong. Depending on whether they are more Lawful or more Good, they will either refuse to break the code even though it would hurt someone, or else break it only very reluctantly, and only when it would hurt someone if they kept their code.
Chloe (Kuroinu) -
Lancer/King Arturia Pendragon -
Archer/Ishtar (Fate/Grand Order) -
Debbie Callahan -
Berserker/Florence Nightingale (Fate/Grand Order) -
Claire (Fundamental Paper Education) -
Caster/Merlin (Fate/Grand Order) -
Skipper (The Penguins of Madagascar)
All items (380)
- Abbie Mills
- Agent Michigan (LOTM)
- Aigis
- Akane Tsunemori
- Alex Taylor
- Alleyne
- Alm
- Amate (Ultraman)
- Angewomon
- Ango Sakaguchi
- Anne Lewis
- Apollo Justice
- Applejack
- Archer/Ishtar (Fate/Grand Order)
- Asher Forrester
- Aslan
- Asuka (Senran Kagura)
- Athena (Saint Seiya)
- Athena Cykes
- Athle Arcadia
- Avatar (Awakening)
- Axe Cop
- Azura
- Cai Wenji
- Captain Commando
- Captain Jean-Luc Picard
- Carey Mahoney
- Carl Proctor
- Carl Sweetchuck
- Caster/Merlin (Fate/Grand Order)
- Celes Chere
- Celestial Digimon
- Celica Arfonia
- Chappie
- Character Alignment
- Cherubimon (Good)
- Chie Satonaka
- Chief Horace White
- Chill the Flu Shot
- Chloe (Kuroinu)
- Claire (Fundamental Paper Education)
- Clementine (Telltale)
- Cole MacGrath
- Commonwealth Minutemen
- Cordelia (Fire Emblem)
- Courtney (Final Exam)
- Cro (Mini Fighter)
- Cultus Pythonissam
- Cygnus Hyoga
- K (Blade Runner)
- K'
- K-9 corps
- Kagero (Fire Emblem)
- Kagura Mutsuki
- Kamui Tokinomiya
- Kanade Tachibana
- Karen Sympathy
- Katalina Aryze
- Katrina Crane (CIS Productions)
- Kei Nozaki
- Ken Ichijouji
- Kenichi Shirahama
- Khai Minh Dao
- Kim Kaphwan
- Kim Possible
- King Sombra (IDW)
- Kiriko Shijima
- Kirumi Tojo
- Kitty Katswell
- Kiyoka Maki
- Kiyotaka Ishimaru
- KnightWalker Funeral Parlor
- Knuckles the Echidna
- Kokoro (Dead or Alive)
- Kosuke Ueki
- Krans Romа́n Tsarskiy
- Kristen Kiwifruit
- Kurtis Stryker
- Ky Kiske