"Do you know what you get for being a hero? Nothin'. You get shot at. Pat on the back, blah blah blah. 'Attaboy.' You get divorced... Your wife can't remember your last name, kids don't want to talk to you... You get to eat a lot of meals by yourself. Trust me kid, nobody wants to be that guy. I do this because there is nobody else to do it right now. Believe me if there was somebody else to do it, I would let them do it. There's not, so I'm doing it. That's what makes you that guy." |
Not always do people get karma. Know this a case for villains or anti heroes doing wrong things but not getting punishment for it.
Keep in mind this cannot be done before a story, it has to happen during a story or after it to qualify.
- Hunson Abadeer in Tuxedo Lovelace Vs CarnEvil: He got away with his role in the conlfict while the other villains got killed or defeated. He even got a big amount of profit to make it sweeter. This made him the first and so far only villain to escape Karma and Justice once.
- Airachnid is one of the worst examples. Not only has she murdered Tailgate and Breakdown along with murderous experiments she did to any other life that is sentient. The deaths can no longer be avenged since she has now joined The Hailfire Empire and from the Empire's alliance with the heroes she cannot by any means be harmed by them.
- N.Tropy in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult , To Live and/or Die in Loch Loud and Team Free Will: Diassembled receive no consequences for his actions against Team Free Will three times over. He gets away with gaslighting Cleo in corrupting her against her friends, tormenting Team Free Will through Morag and Nolan. He also ruins Lydia's life over something trivial she didn't do yet by revealing her alias to The Smoking Man. Countdown's ending reveals that it's starting to run out.
- Isaac Kanda, Shindai Siblings, and Bacht survived at the end of some stories.
- Customer Service in Countdown to Chang's Guide To The Galaxy gets away with using monsters and advising plans for the Conspiracy to use. He also manages to extort a lot of money out of The Conpsiracy and sets up their downfall as much as the heroes. That being said, It's worth noting that his actions while evil are not MEH worthy.
Masakuni Mido -
Bender Rodriguez -
Charles Lee -
Slade Wilson -
Trevor Phillips -
Oliver (Fundamental Paper Education) -
Miss Circle -
Dr. Nefarious Tropy
All items (205)
- Madame Satan
- Magus (Chrono Trigger)
- Mai (Avatar)
- Malcolm Merlyn
- Masakuni Mido
- Masaru Ooyama/Akaba
- Mayuri Kurotsuchi
- Mephala
- Miranda Calley
- Miss Circle
- Mister Mind
- Moar Krabs
- Molag Bal
- Monsieur D'Arque
- Mr. Blonde
- Mr. Goodman
- Sadira (Killer Instinct)
- Sage
- Sam (Trick 'r Treat)
- Sarah (Ed Edd n' Eddy)
- Saruman (Ralph Bakshi)
- Scorpius (Farscape)
- Seifer Almasy
- Shay Cormac
- Sho Minazuki
- Shredder (Batman vs. TMNT)
- Si & Am
- Sigma (A.I.)
- Silri
- Sirash
- Slaanesh
- Slade Wilson
- Stretch Monster
- Sumireko Hanabusa
- Sylar
- Syoukichi Mihara/Kiba
- Syuuya Aikawa/Aoba