This page consists of special items in the Multi-Universe.
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All items (1440)
- A-Virus
- ACA-01 Gaw
- Adamantium
- Adamatron
- Air Destroyer Goliath
- Akatsuki Mass-Production Model
- Alaya-Vijnana System
- Alethiometer
- Algos
- Alice in Wonderland
- Alice Tetch virus
- Alicorn Amulet
- All Terrain Armored Transport
- All Terrain Scout Transport
- Allogenos
- Allojulas
- Alteisen
- Alteisen Riese
- Amulet of Avalor
- Amulet of Shinnok
- AMX-003 Gaza-C
- AMX-008 Ga-Zowmn
- AMX-117L Gaz-L
- Andy (Red vs. Blue)
- Ankyrox
- Another Den-Liner
- Anti-Life Equation
- APC 404 Dropship
- Aphelion
- Aphrodite A
- Applejack's Apple Fritters
- Apples of Eden (Assassin's Creed Series)
- Apsalus I
- Arc Gurren Lagann
- Arcadia
- Arcanum
- Ardjet
- Argama-class
- Ark (Kamen Rider)
- Ark bomb
- Armored Bear
- Armored Personnel Carrier
- Armored Support Transport Mech Suit
- Army Number
- Army of the Damned Ship
- Artificial Demon Gear
- ARX-8 Laevatein
- AS-1 Blaze Raven
- Ashsaviour
- Assault craft
- Astral Express
- Astro Megaship
- Astro Morpher
- ASW-G-01 Gundam Bael
- ASW-G-08 Gundam Barbatos
- ASW-G-08 Gundam Barbatos Lupus
- ASW-G-08 Gundam Barbatos Lupus Rex
- ASW-G-11 Gundam Gusion
- ASW-G-11 Gundam Gusion Rebake
- ASW-G-32 Gundam Asmodeus
- ASW-G-35 Gundam Hajiroboshi
- ASW-G-48 Gundam Haagenti
- ASW-G-64 Gundam Flauros (Ryusei-Go)
- ASW-G-66 Gundam Kimaris
- ASW-G-66 Gundam Kimaris Vidar
- Athame
- Atlas45
- Aurora (Cross Ange)
- AV-49 Attack VTOL
- Avo's Tear
- Avohkii
- Awake
- Babel Fish
- Baby Magnum
- Bakuryu (Ninja Senshi Tobikage)
- Bakuryū-Oh
- BAL-27
- Ballooncampus
- Bamburian
- Bandersnatch Drone
- Barbary Kong
- Barigator
- Barrelion
- Battle Caesar Robo
- Battlizers
- Bavarium
- Bazootle
- Beast Liger
- Beast Morphers Arsenal
- Beast-X King Morpher
- Beast-X King Zord
- Beast-X Morpher
- Beast-X Visor
- Beespell
- Behelit
- Belly Bag
- Beluga F
- Benny Ante
- Berserk Fury
- Big Mac (McDonald's)
- Big Shiee
- Bigwheel
- Billy The Boy Racer
- Bio Ankylo
- Bio Chimera
- Bio Diplodocus
- Bio Dragon
- Bio Kentro
- Bio Megaraptor
- Bio Pachycephalo
- Bio Plesio
- Bio Ptera
- Bio Raptor
- Bio Raptor Gui
- Bio Spino
- Bio Tricera
- Bio Tyranno
- Bio Volcano
- BioScan
- Black Arts
- Black Book
- Black Magic Lamp
- Black Materia (Final Fantasy VII)
- Black Matter
- Black Mercy
- Black Rhimos
- Black Rocks
- Black Slime
- Black Stone
- Black Tao
- Black Tar
- Blackeye
- Blackstone
- Blackstone Fortress
- Blade Liger
- Bliss
- Blitz Tiger
- BMW M2
- BMW M3 GTR (Most Wanted)
- Bob-omb
- Bobcat Pendant
- Bomp
- Bone Leech
- Bonque
- Bonta-kun
- Book of Destiny
- Book of Omens
- Book of Retribution
- BR85 Heavy Barrel Service Rifle
- Brachio Morpher
- Brachio Zilla
- Brain Drain Pills
- Brainwalker
- Brastle Tiger
- Brickbat
- Bugman's Ale
- Bullsdouble
- Bullshide
- Buraq
- Burning Gundam
- Burning Liger
- Buster Eagle
- Buster Fury
- BX-02 Blodia
- Byzantine Parang (CIS Productions)