"What's this…? Crumbs on his jacketses—he took it! He took it! I seen him; he's always stuffing his face when Master's not looking!" |
Incriminators, or Framers are villains who commit a crime and then frame someone for it. They even plan their framings carefully and have evidence falsified. Some frame others by disguising themselves as them or are an Evil Twin or Clone. Sometimes, there is not even a crime at all and the Incriminator lies just so someone else gets in trouble. These villains likely delight in using pawns to get information so they will be discovered as frauds for betrayals.
Famous Framers are Scar (who killed Mufasa and framed Simba), Makuta Teridax (who framed the Toa Metru for Lhikan's "death") and Dr. Charles Nichols (who framed Richard Kimble).
Metallix -
Ike Ray Peram Westcott -
Kaitlyn Powell -
Raym Ars Apocalypse -
Melancholia -
Angel (KOF) -
Donquixote Doflamingo -
Kroniesa KnightWalker
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