Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Good guys are happy, right? and good feels good and, as such, a hero should always feel spectacular, right?

Not always. Sometimes, being the hero or heroes is hard , especially when it puts lifes in danger, takes all of one's time, and makes the hero between being alone or putting friends and family in danger. Heroic powers can have aa mind of it's own and also be hard to keep at bay. When these heroes get into action, they'll probably wish they had said and think that just want to be a normal person. Heroes are also not immune to personal tragedy and the memory of certain events and people can haunt them like everyone else.Not even when they asleep they find peace  Different heroes handle this different ways. Some get violent, some drink, some cease to care about their looks, Some play the idiot and some force a smile because if the whole world thinks thesee characters are happy. Sometimes, the pressure gets too great and can break the hero or turn the weakest willing heroes evil. Some heroes don't want pity while others are glad for a little comfort. Still, heroes are heroes. They can and will rise above their weakness and pain and get their happy ending

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