Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

"Let me make one thing clear: I didn't come here out of the goodness of my heart. I will help you because I want you alive, so I can have my shot at destroying you. And no junkyard robot trash is going to take that chance away from me."
Vegeta, coming to the aid of Goku during the battle against Android 13.

Villains may be evil and selfish, but then there are those who are honorable and have good virtues which make these well liked villains. They may be evil, but they come off noble and some are willing to work with heroes in order to set the Multi-Universe back to right.

The very opposite of a Cheater, this is a villain who (while they fight on the side of evil) still has honorable traits. As such, they usually treat their foes and followers with respect and demonstrate some extent of mercy or fair play. They never resort cheating to win, they may avoid fighting people that are weaker, they may suppress their own power, and they may keep their end of a bargain that they promise to keep if they lose or if the hero does something they ask. Numerous times, these traits often result in the villain redeeming themselves. Many Honorable characters have a common theme of finding a "worthy opponent" and thus want the hero they fight to be strong or get stronger.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not add Pure Evil villains to this category, as villains that are Pure Evil are never presented in a positive way. Honor is a redeeming feature, and would present the villain in a positive way.

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