Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Not much is know about the Heylin side, only that it is the evil counterpart of Xiaolin and the source of much antagonism in the series. The main goal of the Heylin side is apparently to conquer the world or just do evil in general. To those ends, many on the Heylin Side seek the Shen-Gong-Wu as well, thus putting them in frequent conflict with the Xiaolin. In contrast to the Xiaolin, who combine Elemental magic with their Martial arts, the Heylin side use a mixture of Martial arts and Dark Magic, such tricks include: turning people into animals, creating rock creatures and even the making of a special soup that turns the drinker evil.

While almost all members of the Heylin are evil (in one way or another), there is one exception, Kera Young, Chase's daughter..for now.

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