Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
261px-Alex K Yaroslav

The Hexenmeister Community, also known as the Hexenmeisters, was a secret ancient order originated from Ukraine and late routed themselves in Enchanted Forest. It was affiliated with Sleepy Hollow Freemasons and Sisterhood of Radiant Heart (before its corruption under Lady Van Tassel). For their current logo, they used the coat of arms of Yaroslav the Wise, the thrice grand prince of Kyiv and Veliky Novgorod, uniting the two principalities for a time under his rule.

Hiding in everywhere, the Hexenmeisters were targeting the servants of evil deities, and their first priority was the servants of Moloch and the Hidden One. They were one of the most vital allies of the Team Witness during the Years of Tribulations.

However, the priority of this organization is that the members believed that there was a Third Witness and even more, in contrast to Biblical lore. Sister Mary Eunice sees them as allies and will be glad to offer them service. Her alliance of Hexenmeisters is also the key reason that Katrina Crane found her, seeking her help.

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