Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

"My Shocker elites! You all were born using the latest technology. The time to change this world has come. You all were given life for this moment! To make this operation succeed... we must eliminate all who stand in our way! Remodel this world!"
Great Leader of Shocker

Hegemonic villains have the desire to take over or rule the world, whether it is the actual Earth or their own world. On larger scales, some try to take over or rule their universe and (for the truly despotic and oppressive) all of the omniverse. This is arguably one of the most well known types of villains.

Some of these villains can also be Necessary Evil and/or On & Off because there could be a more dangerous threat that wants to destroy the world and/or universe instead, which causes some of them to become Scapegoats if it means helping their own foes to defeat the more dangerous threat. (Example: Dr. Eggman is usually bent on world domination, but sometimes, there are a few more "evil" villains such as Black Doom from Shadow The HedgehogMephiles The Dark from Sonic 06 or Zavok and his Deadly Six from Sonic Lost World.)

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