Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

"And we shall cut away the cancer that infects us until only those of the true blood remain!"
Lord Voldemort, talking to his Death Eater about exterminating all Muggle-borns.

Genocidal Villains are a step above your average Mass-Murderer and a step below the Omnicidal Maniac - they seek to exterminate an entire race or species and are often Xenophobic. They usually commit genocide to: further their own race's (or species') power, fulfill some insidious political goal or eradicate a particular race perceived to be practicing religious heresy.

Genocide has long been considered a violation of not just international law but also basic morality, making those guilty of participating in such acts extremely difficult to redeem; in spite of this, some genocidal villains may be praised by the intolerant or misguided who may not be aware of how far the villain is willing to go in their quest to "cure", "purify" or "fix" the world.

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