"And we shall cut away the cancer that infects us until only those of the true blood remain!" |
Genocidal Villains are a step above your average Mass-Murderer and a step below the Omnicidal Maniac - they seek to exterminate an entire race or species and are often Xenophobic. They usually commit genocide to: further their own race's (or species') power, fulfill some insidious political goal or eradicate a particular race perceived to be practicing religious heresy.
Genocide has long been considered a violation of not just international law but also basic morality, making those guilty of participating in such acts extremely difficult to redeem; in spite of this, some genocidal villains may be praised by the intolerant or misguided who may not be aware of how far the villain is willing to go in their quest to "cure", "purify" or "fix" the world.
Kiana Kronii -
Ragnarok Iblis -
AM -
Shiaryh Myfella -
Vira Hermes -
Oriax Wheelahr -
Sir Isaac Ray Peram Westcott -
Emperor Frostkill
All items (551)
- A.D.A.M.
- Abeloth
- Adam (Hazbin Hotel)
- Adam Sutler
- Adam Taurus
- Admiral Salen Kotch
- Adolf Hitler (Downfall)
- Adolf Hitler (Indiana Jones)
- Adolf Hitler (LOTM: Sword of Kings)
- Aircraft Carrier Princess
- Akihiko Kayaba
- Akihiro Kurata
- Akihiro Kurata's Gizumon Army
- Akrak Couteau
- Akumaro Sujigarano
- Alan Sylvasta
- Alex Mercer
- Almighty Tallests
- AM
- Amnaich the Golden
- Amon
- An'ggrath the Unbound
- Ancestral Witches
- Andrei Sator
- Angron
- Anthrax (Bastard!!)
- Anti-Christs (Cisverse)
- Anti-Order Movement
- Anton Ivanov
- Apo
- Apocalymon
- Apocalypse
- Apostles of the Slavery
- Araghast The Pillager
- Archon Tahril
- Arcturus Mengsk
- Ares (DC)
- Ares (Next Gen)
- Arlong
- Artemesia (300)
- Aryana Westcott
- Astaroth Empire
- Astaroth's Fragmental Legion
- Atrocitus
- Audrey (Day Shift)
- Aurozia
- Aya Tokoyogi
- Azariah Kyras
- Azariah Kyras's Chaos Space Marines
- Baby (Dragon Ball)
- Barbatos
- Baron Zebek
- Barraki
- Barsad
- Bastion (Marvel)
- Beast the One
- Behemecoatyl
- Benjamin Juma
- Berserker/Morgan le Fay (Fate/Grand Order)
- Big Brain
- Big Daddy (The Purge: Anarchy)
- Bill Williamson
- Black Arms Aliens
- Black Beetle
- Black Doom
- Black Hanekawa
- Black Hat (Villainous)
- Black Shadow
- Blokk
- Blood Falcon
- Bodark
- Bolivar Trask
- Bosquito
- Brightburn
- Bryagh
- Caesar's Legion
- Caligo
- Captain Mozar (2012 Version)
- Carlito Keyes
- Carlton Drake
- Cegorach
- Changelings
- Chester V
- Chilled
- Chiquis (Huevocartoon)
- Cipher (Fast and Furious)
- Clarance the Dog
- Colonel Ike Sloan
- Colonel J. Wesley McCullough
- Commander Arun Filitt
- Commander Sazabi
- Commandramon
- Cooler
- Corvus (Call of Duty)
- Count Dooku
- Couteau Family
- Crnobog
- Cronus (Class of the Titans)
- Cyborg Superman
- Da Ji (Smite)
- Dalatrass Linron
- Damian Darik
- Dark Aegis
- Dark Empires
- Dark Lord Empire Federational Apocalypse-United Villains
- Dark Lord Sauron
- Dark Lugiel
- Dark Oak
- Dark Tohka
- Darkdramon
- Darkonda
- Darth Vader
- Darth Vader (The Star Wars)
- Dartz
- Deadly Six
- Deathborn
- Deimos (Call of Duty)
- Department of Unified Protection
- Derieri
- Desghidorah
- Deus.Ex.Machina Empire
- Deus.Ex.Machina Imperial Army
- Deus.Ex.Machina Industries
- Director Kakuzawa
- Doomfist
- Douma
- Dr. Carl Tanner
- Dr. Nefarious (Remake)
- Dr. Nuvo Vindi
- Dr. Pestus
- Dr. Raichi
- Dr. Regal
- Dreyfus
- Dukat
- Durge
- Dylan Gould
- Eclipse of Hermes
- Edwin Black
- Eliphas The Inheritor (Word Bearer)
- Eliphas' Chaos Forces
- Elise "The Eternal Envy"
- Elizar Kane
- Ellen Mira Mathers
- Emperor Frostkill
- Emperor Gruumm
- Emperor Mavro
- Emperor Metallix
- Emperor of Mankind
- Emperor Satan
- Envy (Fullmetal Alchemist)
- Erebus
- Esdeath
- Evil Buzz Lightyear
- Exar Kun
- Exorcists
- Galactic Empire
- Galand
- Galeem
- Gamchicoth
- Ganondorf (Era of the Wilds)
- Gar Shatterkeel
- Garoga
- Garrosh Hellscream
- Gate (Megaman X)
- Gauron
- Gellert Grindelwald
- General Erich Ludendorff
- General Gaius
- General Gaius' Warmblood Army
- General Grievous
- General Mandible
- General RAAM (Gears of War)
- General Roth'h'ar Sarris
- General Thade
- General Tor
- General Zod (Man of Steel)
- Genocide (Chaos!)
- George Woodman
- Gerard Argent
- Gihren Zabi