Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

"Why do you always talk to yourself?"
— Blackarachnia

"Oh, I merely have a penchant for intelligent conversation."
— Megatron

 Egomaniacs (also called narcissists) are individuals who suffer from narcissistic personality disorder. They have a delusional sense of self-worth and are NOT the same as an Arrogant Villain, though many people do confuse them - in simple terms an Egomaniac is obsessed with themselves and believes they should be the center of attention, an object of worship/reverence, are incredibly vain abut their appearance, and so forth. Many megalomaniacs are egomaniacal as they are certain attention-seekers.

Arrogant villains often try and bully people - Egomaniacs on the other hand are decidely more deranged: a person who demands statues built of themselves or has their image pasted in every available area of his or her empire, for example, goes beyond Arrogance and is an Egomaniac.

Many Egomaniacs also react extremely poorly to anyone trying to humble them, rejecting their advances because they believe that they are simply not giving them the respect they see themselves as deserving - this can cause them to lash out in a fit of narcissistic rage, making them much more dangerous than a simple arrogant snob or bully.

Two easy (but rough) ways to identify if a villain is an Egomaniac: If said villains use the words "I" and "me" a great deal or constantly refer to themselves in 3rd person.

DO NOT CONFUSE EGOMANIA WITH MEGALOMANIA - Egomania is obsession with self-worth (as explained above); Megalomania is obsession with power: the two are often linked but are different conditions.


  1. Egomaniacs are actively malicious, especially to those who do not respect them or who they feel undermine them.
  2. Egomaniacs are attention-seekers and cannot stand to be "second place" to anyone - they demand the adoration and adulation of others and become deeply hostile (often even violent) towards those who do not pander to them.
  3. Egomaniacs can be charming and respectful as long as they are the center of attention; however, the moment attention is taken from them, they lose their charm and respect and become petty and cruel.
  4. Egomaniacs tend to hold grudges and are sometimes known as "Malignant Narcissists" due to the fact they generally seek to harm people they believe have wronged them, yet are "friendly" to those who "respect" them.
  5. Egomaniacs are usually suffering from emotional or psychological problems; Arrogant Villains tend to simply develop contempt for others due to upbringing or selfish personalities.

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